
James Whale / LOVE him HATE him?

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  1. Don't like him sorry

  2. Personally I've always liked him !

  3. What ????

    Is he still alive !!

  4. I'm none too struck - too big for his boots, but now he's got his "come-uppance" I'm quite pleased !

  5. I can't believe he is working,is he on the radio?

    I didn't like him in the 70's when he was on local radio in Leeds.

  6. I liked james very much .I have heard he is on a shopping channel don't know if this is true xx

  7. I love the way that one is never sure if he is being serious or simply just saying stuff to be controversial. He never lets the mask slip. And it's sort of funny how he thinks he's right-wing, yet is actually quite left-wing in many of his views.

  8. Hate him.

    Found him funny at the beginning (Radio Aire I think it was), but I think the ego took over.

  9. love him!

    A Whale of a time to be had.

  10. always controversial,  said what most of us really think, will be missed,  stopped listening to talk sport the moment i heard,        COME BACK JAMESY BOY ..................

  11. Love him....not afraid of saying it how it is.

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