
James blake doesn't want to learn, from a professional instead he prefer to speak evil, and which?

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anna, although he have a new Colon!!!!!, and you know he like it!




  1. Don't tell me Gonzales didn't feel that ball tip his racket when the replay shows it did. Those guys see and feel everything.  He cheated, plain and simple.  And he sucks for being a cheater!!!

  2. Gonzalez just isnt a gentlemen!  He should have admitted to it.  It was obvious.  Blake is a gentleman, but not everyone is.

    You know nothing about tennis let alone sportsmanship, and this is a ridiculous slander of Blake.

  3. Blake rocks !  

  4. Losing a match on a 20-game set tiebreaker is getting ripped?  You know NOTHING about sports, or sportsmanship..

  5. Sportsmanship, yeah.  Did Blake really think Gonzalez would fess up.  Yeah, Blake did lose the game and that's on him.  But did he really think that Gonzalez would fess up.  

    Sportsmanship, yeah.  Did Serena really think that Justine would fess up.  Yeah, Serena did lose the game and that was on her.  But did she really think that Justine would fess up.

    WOULD YOU?????????????????????????

  6. You're stupid. Blake was right in every sense of the word. Gonzalez should have been a man and good competitor and said something instead of being a little b*tch. I am not a fan of Blake's at all, but the call was ridic. And yeah, there was no ripping involved in this match at all.

  7. I think it was confirmed that the ball did in fact hit Fernando's racket and thus should have been a point for Blake.  Winning 2 games to one in a tie breaker like these two guys went through is not ripping someone.  Blake has a legitimate gripe.  It's his own fault that he didn't win but he has a legit gripe with the officials.  I admit that his complaints may be sour grapes, but of course he's upset by the loss.

  8. gonzalez cheated!!!!

    blake didn't lose because of that point, he wasted 3 match points, he said it himself.-

    he's just mad about gonzalez lack of sportsmanship, which is sad at that level of playing (at every level, but specially in pros).-

  9. Poor Blake. Gonzalez should have had better sportsmanship.

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