
Jamie Oliver and Sandra`s Ideas??????????

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Jamie Oliver thinks he`s invented the idea of feeding us cheaply.

Well, he hasn`t.

I`ve been carping about the abuse of food in London for years; particularly with regard to the Costas and Starbucks which have replaced most of the indigenous London eateries.

London, which used to be a city which overfed its visitors- when the British ran London, currently is a city which deceives.

You can get a 4-course meal in a Parisian workmen`s cafe for under a fiver. And the New York City coffee shops also offer superb value on top of exquisite service. (You are treated royally in a NYC coffee shop and you only have to spend a couple of dollars)

Okay, so Oliver envisages a chain of cheap-0 Italian pasta palaces.

Not at £5 a throw Jamie. Unless you want to throw in a salad; bread and butter; coffee; and a glass of house wine.

The Chinese do it in Soho. Cheap and cheerful at large refectory tables.

Now that`s amore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. PEOPLE pay for a NAME that is not up to the standard

    just because some thing is inexpensive doesn't make it cheap and tasteless.

  2. I had a lot of time for Jamie's school dinners mission and blame parents for not feeding their children properly from a young age, but am quite shocked at the price of his kitchen goods, i.e. aprons, peppermills and gadgets which are currently in Sainsburys. Hardly encouraging for the reluctant cook at those prices. You're right - nothing new about good cheap food, i've been cooking on a budget for 30 years!

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