
Jamster Ringtone...?

by Guest34185  |  earlier

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Hey guys! I have a question about Jamster... I went online to and found a ringtone I like. I was wondering where i could find the codes i text in. I found some in a magazine that I used, but i can't seem to find them on this site.

Thanks for your help!

Oh and i know some people may not like jamster, but please just keep your opinions to yourself. Thank you!!

I appreciate any help!




  1. i don't know how to get codes for jamster but you can try this one. that's where i get mine. works fine on my phone. hope this help!  

  2. i like jamster, but i know those codes are hard to find,i make my ringtones for free. you can make any ringtone you want for free from Ventones

    thats what i use, just upload an mp3 file, and you can convert it into a ringtone. the quality is better than the ones buy online and you can make it from the parts of the song you want
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