
Jan18th <span title="Capricorn/uncharacteristic">Capricorn/uncharacteristi...</span> and child like? would this sign work with a dec 4rth saggittarius?

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I recently became curious and developed an interest in astrology. I had a friend that fixed me up a chart and my particular birth day to the T under capricorn was extremely uncharacteristic.and ontop of that it was seemingly and startlingly accurate...this is besided a strange desire to push my fantasy on the world and manic episodes as well as depressions apparantly which i cannot disagree with. This isnt normal for the general description of a capricorn. They are strong and diligent and goal oriented and dislike child like fancy. So to cut it short I looked up other days and have a friend that was born december 4rth ...these sagittarius signs seem to be tough and pushy as well as serious but don't make people jealous and have strong emotions and can rise to the top..I dont know if this would be called practical but would this be a good match. Goats with wings travel faster maybe.. All in fun but half way serious.




  1. Capricorns are Earth elements. They&#039;ll work well with the Fire elements like the Sagittarius/Aries/Leo. Like in Feng Shui, Earth supports Fire/Metal.

    However, it aslo depends on personality traits. For example, from personal experiences, as a Sagittarius (Fire) I can&#039;t seem to be in good terms with the Taurus (Earth) because of the personalities a Taurus has which can annoy the Sagittarius.


    On the surface, Capricorn and Sagittarius may seem quite different. Capricorn is more serious and realistic. Sagittarius is enthusiastic, with an optimism that sometimes borders on denial. Sagittarius is always on the go, in search of their next big adventure. They may fancy themselves explorers - but to Capricorn they&#039;re annoying restless. Capricorn and Sagittarius do share some of the same basic philosophies on life though. And Sagittarius can brighten up Capricorn&#039;s days and nights. In return Capricorn will give Sagittarius solid ground to stand on and a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.


    The first thing Sagittarius will notice about a Capricorn is how serious and responsible they are. That alone may make Sagittarius want to run for the hills. When Sagittarius does hook up with a Capricorn, their practicality might get old fast. It may seem like Capricorn is always raining on Sagittarius&#039; parade. Who is Capricorn to tell Sagittarius that their photography expedition to Kenya is too impractical? Work, schmork! Okay, so he or she is probably right, but that doesn&#039;t mean Sagittarius wants to hear it. Sagittarius might be able to convince their Capricorn to come along, but they&#039;ll have to let them do the planning.

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