
Janne Da Arc or Janne D'arc?

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Well, in Japanese it's ジャンヌダルク.

But on Yahoo! Japanese Music it says Janne Da Arc, then I my friend that took French says it's "Janne D'arc."

Which is correct?




  1. Neither.

    Janne Da Arc = Janne D'Arc, not Janne D'arc!

    Actually, Jeanne D'Arc = "Joan of Arc" in French: AKA Sainte Jeanne D'Arc = "Saint Joan of Arc". Your friend is wrong. "Da" is Italian, "De" is Spanish, French, & Portuguese for "of" or "from". Why would Japanese people make up a name that they don't even know the origins of? "Janne" doesn't exist, unless it's from the Greek form of the name John - "Yiannis": it's either Jean, Jeanne, Jan, Joan, or Jane. Da is Italian "of; from". "Arc" could be French, English or other European languages, which might or might not spell it "Ark".

  2. Is this person french? If so then it would be Janne D'Arc.

    But I don't recall "Da" being French...

  3. Jeanne d'Arc in French.

    You capitalize Arc, not d' wich is de, the particle of aristocratic names.

  4. For the Saint it is Jeanne D'Arc (Joan of Arc), for the band it appears to be Janne Da Arc.

  5. The French saint is Jeanne D'Arc.

    If you are asking about a band, then this question belongs in the entertainment section.  Everyone here is going to give you pretty much the same answer.

  6. In French Jeanne d'Arc, probably from the phonetic approximation  of her father's surname Jacques d'Arc or probably Jacques Darc.

    "Da Arc" is probably caused by the strict pronunciation rules of the Japanese language. The same way "salary man" becomes "sararīman", and "pro wrestling" "puroresu".

    "Because Japanese has only five vowels, and few consonant clusters, [...] loanwords are often pronounced in a manner that sounds unusual and even humorous to English speakers."

  7. Belie is right. The French saint is Jeanne d'Arc but the band is Janne Da Arc.  

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