First, while sewing, thread tangled up on backside of fabric and machine stopped. I untangled the mess and started to sew again and same thing happened.. then the machine "died". After reading here how to find and replace fuses, I did that. (Radio shack didn't have a 3.0 amp so recommended I use 3.15 amp.. was that OK?) Machine was back in business, however the tangle problem was still there and the machine died again. Now I need to replace the fuse again.. but could my tangle be due to the hook race?? I have cleaned everything of lint, etc. and notice just a teeny sharp protrubance in the curve of the thread catcher.. is it supposed to be there or do I have needle damage to it? I once used fine sandpaper to smooth the needle marks on the faceplace of my old Kenmore.. could this be the problem?