
Japan - Volunteering or work??? Advice please!?

by  |  earlier

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I've spent a while trawling through the internet but am left a bit stumped now... wondering if anyone can help.

I'm looking to come out to Japan in October time - i've of limited funds and wanted to do something a little bit more worthwhile whilst i'm here as opposed to just travelling. Ideally i'd like to work out here (i'm 25 so I believe i can get a visa - just!) however the only paid jobs that i have seen are teaching roles - which are a min of 1 year - i'd like to be here for a max of 3-6 months, plus i'm not overly zealous on the idea of teaching! Other than that all roles i've seen require that i speak Japanese (which is fair enough) however - I don't.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of jobs that i could apply for that are short-term and for English speakers. I am interested in volunteering however it would need to be in exchange for food and lodgings - i've seen an eco-farm outside of Tokyo that does this but not sure if anything will come of it.

If anyone has ANY suggestions then that would be greatly appreciated.

Look forward to hearing from you!





  1. Try the site below. You can work on a farm for room and board.

    Thanks for the thumbs down.

  2. wwoofjapan is your best bet. But you have to pay a fee for membership. If you go to their web site you will find alot of listings all over Japan. Some of the farms are so far out in the boonies that they can't even watch TV.

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