
Japan was bombed twice with atomic bomb; Does Japanese ever forget this ?

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more than 100,000 civilians were killed in seconds , burned to ashes and evaporated in the air , Isn't this savagery?




  1. The Japanese will forget this about as soon as the Americans forget the Alamo, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11.

    The atomic bombs were dropped during war, remember, and war is by its very nature a savage undertaking.  I'm not really certain that even the military was fully aware of the destructive power that was unleashed.

    It was a last-ditch attempt to prevent an invasion of the Japanese home islands, which could easily have cost at least that much loss of life, if not even more.  American casualties alone were estimated to be at the 100,000 mark in the event of invasion; the toll on the Japanese would likely have been even higher, since not only the military but everyone (man, woman, child, no matter how weak or disabled) would have been fighting to the death to defend their homeland, which is only natural.

    After August of 1945, the world was never quite the same again; nukes became common and we're all now, to some extent, wondering just how long it will be before someone, somewhere, pushes the button and we're all obliterated.

  2. War is savager. Do you think that Pearl Harbor was any less savage? I am not sure what your point is.

  3. The Allies used the Atomic bombs to end the war, to avoid larger number of Allied and Japanese casualties there would have been if they had to invade Japan. And another reson this might have happened was to keep the Russians out of Japan. The Japanese hold ceremonies every year to make the anniversaries of the bombings.

    A more important question would be why did the allies fire bomb Dresden, Germany. The city had no military installations and was not of strategic value. More than 100,000 civilians were also killed that night. The fire was so intense that night it created firestorms. The fire consumed most of the oxygen and people even in under ground rooms suffocated. There is a famous painting of the bombing showing the bombers, the fire and the people dieing. The mystery about the painting is that it was painted in 1936, nine years before this took place. So how did the painter know this would happen? BTW, the only thing of military or strategic value were the railroad yards outside the city and they remained virtually untouched by the bombing. British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill was shocked and dismayed by this savagery. Even the Germans were bewildered by this happening.

  4. World War II was just one huge lesson in savagery.

  5. They will never forget. And the rest of us shouldn't forget that the only country which has ever used nuclear weapons, and still has them, now sees fit to tell other countries they can't have them.

    Tom D. There is an ugly rumour that Japan was already treating for peace when the USA dropped their bombs.

    The USA didn't come into WWII until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour. It appears that Europe could sink or swim as far as the USA was concerned.

  6. Oh, I would not think so.  I have good friends in Nagasaki that are parents of two girls who were my daughter's roommates at University 20 years ago.  Thank God they are still alive and okay.

  7. No!  Nor should we ever forget it.

  8. First of all, the bombings were justified.  Get over it.

    I saw an interview with two native, twenty-something residents of Nagasaki, and neither of them were aware of the atomic bombings.

  9. No more or less than any one else. The effects were horrendous. It was meant to be aweful.

    The Japanese Imperial forces killed an estimated 10 million civilians in China alone, and about an equal number of civilians were killed in Southeast Asia and the various Pacific Islands occupied by Japan. Japan caused the deaths of more civilians than n**i forces including those murdered in the Holocaust.

    Japan does willfully wish to forget its own deeds, and denies its students knowledge of its own actions during the Pacific War by a sanitized history

    They tend to exaggerate the casualties of the nuclear bombs beyond the numbers accepted by historians as part of their systematic government efforts to portray themselves as victims of aggression.

  10. 2,792 died in 9/11 compared to the more than 100,000 but do you think America will forget about this?


    Japan will never forget the atomic bombings.  

  11. They shouldn't forget it, they should remember that their country brought the war to the U.S. by attacking Pearl Harbor.  Japan and the world should remember how savage war is and think twice before attacking another country just to have dominance in the region.  Of course if you understand history which many here do not, you'll know the the projected casualties for an invasion of the Japanese home island was in the millions.  As terrible as the bomb was millions more would have died in an invasion that ended up not being necessary.

    "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."  William. T. Sherman  

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