
Japanese: Can someone tell me the stroke pattern for this kanji? 餐?

by Guest34462  |  earlier

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On reading is san; meaning: eat, drink, swallow. In case anyone wants to know...

I haven't been able to find the stroke pattern online. Please help.




  1. I believe as a general rule, stroke order in Kanji starts from the top left and works down. If it were me, I would start in the top left corner for this one, move across to the section to the right of it, and then down to the last part to finish the kanji.

    But seriously, the stroke order is really just a way to help you write the character legibly. If you find another way easier, then go for it. I know I often ignore the suggested stroke order, even in English, my native language.

    So basically, it doesn't really matter what order you write the strokes in, so long as you know how to put them together so they make sense.


    You can watch the animation down the side.

    This isn't used often in Japanese.  It's more so used in Chinese.

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