
Japanese Fighting Fish...?

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I just bought two japanese fighting fish and I want a aquarium that looks like this:

but I want to buy it at a store and not online. Do you know of any stores that have such a fish bowl? Thanx!




  1. omg don't get that!!!! Look at those bettas..they look SO unhappy!! One is even at the bottom on the rocks. each of those halves are TINY!! Even a full one of those is a little too small. Please don't buy will be torturing your fish!!  

  2. i think you can get them at petsmart or walmart. but i dont think its a good idea, because it they are facing each other, they might get defensive and puff themselves up or even ram the side of the tank. my fish got really upset for like a few days when his tank was so clean that he could see his own reflection

  3. Get a 1 gallon acrylic or glass goldfish bowl for each of them. change 80% of the water every week. keep them some place warm but out of direct sunlight.

    People- Bettas do not need more than 1 gallon of water. They are the ONLY fish that can live in a bowl happily and healthily. In fact, they most likely will not like a bigger tank and will live a short life.,%20Hou...

  4. Ok, first they are called SIAMESE Fighting Fish.

    The "aquarium" you want will not house a happy betta.

    Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons to be truly happy and healthy.

    They also need a small heater (if you can't keep the water temp. at about mid to upper 70s)

    and a gentle filter.

    For something cheap I recommend:

    It is only $25 and comes with gravel, plant and filter. :)

    Please do not put your bettas in a bowl!! That's probably the worst thing you could do! If you cannot get the proper set up bring one or both back to the store, so they can have a chance at a better life.

    This is really cheap and honestly really pretty sucky for you betta, but at least its slightly better than a bowl:

  5. I'd recommend a 2.5-5 gallon tank with a divider.  However, 10 gallons tanks aren't much more, often on sale for under $20, and would be very comfortable for the fish, as wel as you being able to see them swimming around instead of just hovering.  Make sure the divider is opaque, and fits side to side and top to bottom.  A shallow/long tank would be better than a tall one.

  6. First of all they are called SIAMESE fighting fish, and if you are going to get bowls for any pet fish.




  8. Ok, they are actually called Siamese fighting fish b/c they come from thialand and thialand used to be called siam, and the name stuck with bettas. Bettas need at least a gallon each. A small tank of at least a gallon (Not made for bettas, the tanks made for bettas are always to small) A 2.5 gallon mini bow aquarium would be very good, you can also add a few african dwarf frogs with him! (African dwarf frogs eat frozen bloodworms.)

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