
Japanese Soup and Dessert?

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I am planning a Japanese tea and need to have some easy recipes for soup and desserts. Can anyone help? I am not near any stores that sell Japanese foods, so I sort of have to improvise.




  1. Miso Soup

    Desert - you can try to find ginger ice cream sold at some stores.

  2. daifuku cake

        * *For filling

        * 1/3 cup water & 1/2 cup sugar & 1/4 cup dried anko powder

        * or 1/2 cup premade anko (bean paste)

        * 6 strawberries

        * *katakuriko starch for dusting


    Heat 1/3 cup of water and 1/2 cup of sugar in a pan. Add 1/4 cup of anko powder in the pan and stir well. Set aside. Wash strawberries and remove the calyxes. Wrap a strawberry with about a spoonful of anko and rounds to make a ball

    Make 6 balls. Put 2/3 cup of water and 1/4 cup of sugar in a heat-resistant bowl and mix well. Add shiratama-ko flour in the bowl and mix well. Put the bowl in microwave and heat the dough for two minutes. Stir the dough. Heat the dough in microwave until the dough inflates. Stir the mochi quickly. Dust a flat pan with some katakuri-ko starch. Also, dust hands with some katakuri-ko. Remove the hot mochi from the bowl to the pan by hands. Dust hands with more katakuri-ko starch and divide the mochi into 6 pieces by hands. The mochi is hot and sticky, so be careful not to burn your hands. Make 6 flat and round mochi. Put a piece of strawberry and anko filling on a mochi and wrap it by stretching mochi. Rounds the daifuku. Repeat the process to make more daifuku cakes.

    *Makes 6 daifuku cakes.decorate with strawberie slices



    7 cups water

    a 6-inch length of kombu* (dried kelp), wiped with a dampened cloth

    1 ounce (about 2 cups) dried bonito flakes*

    1/2 cup soy sauce

    3 tablespoons mirin* (syrup rice wine)

    1 tablespoon sugar    * 1 cup shiratama-ko (rice flour)

        * 1/4 cup sugar

        * 2/3 cup water

    1/2 pound dried soba* (buckwheat noodles)

    2 carrots, sliced thin

    1/2 pound spinach, coarse stems discarded and the leaves washed well, spun dry, and cut crosswise into 1 1/2-inch-wide strips

    8 to 10 ounces firm tofu (preferably silken), cut into 1/2-inch cubes

    3 to 4 tablespoons miso* (fermented bean paste), or to taste, if desired

    2 scallions, minced


    hope that helps if you live near a wal-mart then there is some cheap asian type dishes you could use

  4. Japanese soup is usually a clear broth (you can buy canned or dry broth in any grocery store), add a little bit of chopped green onions; cabbage and finely shredded carrots.

    A nice dessert would be lime or orange sherbet.

    Good luck, can I come?


    Hamaguri Clam Soup



        * 12-16 hamaguri clams

        * 1/2 tsp salt

        * 3 cups water

        * 1 tbsp sake

        * 1 tsp soy sauce

        * 1 bunch of nabana (rape flower)


    Soak clams in salted water. Wash the clams well. Boil nabana for a few minutes and cool it in cold water. Drain nabana and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Put water and clams in a pan and heat until the clams open.

    Remove the clams and strain the soup. Put the soup back in a pan and season with sake, soy sauce, and salt. Place 3-4 clams in a soup bowl and pour the hot soup over them. Garnish the soup with boiled nabana.

    *Makes 4 servings

    Kabocha Soup Recipe


    Kabocha (Japanese pumpkin) is often used in Japanese cooking. It has some sweetness. It's a good soup to make in fall and winter. It keeps you warm. Kabocha skin is really hard, so cook lightly in microwave before slicing it.


        * 1 lb. kabocha pumpkin, seeds removed

        * 1/2 onion, thinly sliced

        * 1 Tbsp. butter

        * 2 tsp. chicken bouillon powder

        * 2 cups water

        * 1 2/3 cup milk

        * salt and pepper to season


    Place kabocha in a plate and heat in microwave for a minute. Cut kabocha into bite-size pieces. Saute onion slices with butter in a medium pot until soften. Add kabocha and saute together. Pour water and add chicken bouillon powder in the pot.

    Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, or until soften. Add milk and stir the soup, mashing kabocha. Season with salt and pepper.

    *Makes 4 servings

    Tonjiru Recipe - Miso Soup


    Tonjiru is a kind of Japanese miso soup with pork and lots of vegetables.


        * 1/4 lb thinly sliced pork

        * 1/2 gobo (burdock root)

        * 1/2 carrot

        * 1 potato

        * 1/4 negi/leek

        * 3 1/2 cup dashi soup stock

        * 3 tbsp miso (bean paste)


    Shave gobo into short stripps and soak in water. Slice negi/leek diagonally. Cut carrot and potato into small chunks. Cut pork slices into bite-sized lengths. Saute pork, potato, carrot, gobo in a deep pan.

    Add dashi soup stock stop in the pan and simmer over medium heat. When vegetables are soften, add miso and negi and simmer for one minute and stop the heat.

    Makes 4 servings


    Dorayaki Recipe - Japanese Sweet Recipe


    Dorayaki is a kind of traditional Japanese cake with anko sweet azuki beans filling.


        * 1 cup flour

        * 2/3 cup sugar

        * 1/2 tsp baking soda

        * 3 tbsps water

        * 3 eggs

        * 3/4 pound anko (sweet azuki beans)

        * *vegetable oil for frying


    Put eggs and sugar in a bowl and whisk very well. Dissolve baking soda in water. Add the water in the egg mixture. Add sifted flour in the egg mixture gradually. Heat a frying pan and lightly oil it. Pour a scoop of the batter in the pan and make a small pancake.

    (*about 4 inches in diameter.) Turn over when bubbles appear on the surface. Repeat this process to make 8-10 pancakes. Cool the pancakes. Make pairs of pancakes and put a scoop of anko sweet beansbetween them. (like an ice cream sandwich.)

    *Makes 4 servings

    Manju Recipe


    Manju is a Japanese steamed cake, and it's a traditional Japanese sweet. A variety of fillings are used in manju. The most popular filling is anko (sweet azuki bean paste.)


        * 2 1/2 cup all purpose flour

        * 4 tsps. baking powder

        * 1/4 cup sugar

        * 2/3 cup water

        * 3/4 lb. anko (sweet azuki bean paste)


    Shift flour and baking powder. Put the four in a large bowl. Add sugar. Pour warm water in the bowl and knead the dough until smooth. Divide the dough into 12 pieces. Make round shapes and flatten them. Put a spoonful of anko filling in the center of the dough.

    Wrap the anko by stretching the dough and make it round. Place each manju on a small cooking sheet. Preheat a steamer on high heat. Place manju in the steamer, and steam for 15 minutes.

    *Makes 12 manju cakes.

    Green Tea Cookie Recipe


    Green tea powder (maccha) is useful for making Japanese-style sweets. When you want to make green cookies, try making green tea cookies. They taste a little bit bitter.


        * 3/4 cup and 2 Tbsp. butter

        * 3/4 cup sugar

        * 1/2 beaten large egg

        * 1 Tbsp. maccha green tea powder

        * 2 1/2 cup flour


    Cream butter in a large bowl. Add sugar and mix well. Next, add egg and mix well. Sift flour and green tea powder together. Add it in the dough and mix lightly. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Preheat the oven to 340 degrees F. Roll the dough on floured board into 1/4 inch thick and cut out cookies. Place a cooking sheet in a baking pan and place cookies on the sheet. Bake cookies in the oven for about 15 minutes.

  6. Miso soup, its one of those most traditional soup in Japan. And the japanese love green tea ice cream as dessert.

  7. miso soup is the best japanese style soup to make but if you can try to buy some chicken broth and scallions or green onions and soy sauce & rice wine vinegar and some sesame oil it could be a nice touch.

    heat chicken broth in a pot

    add a tbsp of soy

    tsp of rice wine vinegar or any other vinegar just white is fine

    heat until warmed through

    add to bowls and place scallions chopped on top and a drizzle of sesame oil

    if you can find soba noodles it would be great but you could use other noodles as well if you wanted to make a noodle bowl

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