
Japanese Whaling?????

by  |  earlier

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i no this is a little bit weird but I'm doing a speech for school and i was wondering what i could i call people that don't kill whales???

also why do you hate whaling???





  1. I would say,

    Pigs and cows have been killed too.

    There is always a process of slaughtering animals.

    we do not ordinarily see scenes of slaughtering animals ,

    so only slaughtering whales tends to be considered as Barbaric or cluel.

    yes whales are cute,but All animals are equal.

  2. Animal lovers, environmentalists, stewards of the Earth or whale huggers.  Whaling is an unnecessary exercise.  The hunts are carried out under the guise of scientific research, yet their research is later sold and eaten in Japan.  The kills are not done in a painless manor, if you watch a hunt the whales appear to suffer quite a bit.
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