
Japanese fighting fish and sharks?

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do japanese fighting fish and sharks eat tetras and guppies




  1. I never had problems when I had siamese fighting fish, however when I had a red tailed black shark I noticed he was looking stunning and my guppies and tetras were vanishing.That was why he was feasting at night time and getting very territorial. he went back to the pet store, i have had peace ever since. hope this helped.

  2. A betta (fighting fish) can live happily with bottom dwelling fish. Cory's work best in my opinion. I am actually in the process of building a tank for my girlfriends betta fish. I got her a 10 gallon tank and have 1 pleco and 3 yoyo loaches. The fish are all small in size since the tank is tiny, and I can always introduce her loaches into my 90 gallon when they get big enough.

    Bettas are aggressive to fish with similiar colors to themselves but I wouldn't risk putting a guppy, shark, or tetra in with your betta regardless of color. Either your betta will get stressed out and die or fight with the other fish.

  3. Siamese fighting fish only fight with each other (males) but as above says, it may mistake the guppy for another male. I'm not sure about Sharks (depends which type, Great White = yes/ Silver = no)

  4. ok

    1.It is siamese fighting fish. b/c they come from thialand and thialand used to be called siam.

    2.Bettas, no, freshwater sharks, yes.

    3.Male betta will attack male guppies b/c the guppies have long flowing colorful fins and the betta will misteak them for another male betta and attack.

    So, no, neither can go in that tank.

    Edit, male bettas do not kill everything, they just attack other male bettas or fish that look like male bettas.

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