
Japanese people tell me what you think of this?

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I am an American fan of anime I like of all types but I think something is wrong with her and I hope you don't perceive American who like anime like this but I just wanted to get your input on it I mean she doesn't even answer the phone right in the first video




  1. She seems nice. Many americans and canadians seem to like the anime to an obsessive content...which I am not sure about.

  2. She seems such a blissful person to me.

    I think she is OK as long as she doesn't bother the others, but she is not a good singer(><)

  3. I couldn't watch the whole videos because I just couldn't...

    Well, it's good to know that she likes what she likes and she is not afraid of showing it. Personally, I might be afraid of communicating with the kind of Americans but I don't think she is not a bad person. It doesn't matter if she can't answer the phone right or whatever because she is still learning Japanese stuff. I don't think people who want to learn about another culture and custom and language need to care too much about what other people think, anyway.

    Well, my answer to you is that you shouldn't be judgemental and just let her do whatever she likes to do. I think you are afraid of what other people might think of you because of the videos. But you are you and you are not her. So who cares what she likes and what she does? Do you want to hear something bad about her so that makes you feel good?  

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