
Japanese ppl must answer ... how do jpnese ppl look at muslim ?

by Guest67232  |  earlier

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coz i definitely do NOT want them to push me away .. well in japan duh obviously

im nice n i h8 racists




  1. different people have diferent views so they all wont look at them negatively BUT some will

  2. I actually didn't know about muslims until I came to the US...

    Well...but I really don't want to get confused true muslims with terrorists. And also basically I don't like religious people who take advantage of what they believe to do something bad ...well obvisously, they are taught wrong things. I don't care if people want to belong to a religion. But I think it's wrong if religious people do something illogical. And I just don't think that a religon itself is bad but people who teach wrong things by taking advantage of religion are really bad.

    And I don't like christian people who think psychics are devils...I was so surprised to see a christian lady who descriminates psychics or other people who are not christians on trading spouces:

    I don't know all christians are like that...(I hope some christians don't discriminate people like that) but these christian people on that show just scared me....

    Well, I'm a typical Japanese female who doesn't really believe in any religion. But I don't like people who descriminate people because they are " different." I don't know what they are taught by the people that they think are wonderful. But if they can't think things logically and humanely I don't care for them.

    *By the way, I'm not into psychics or fortune tellers. I just don't descriminate people because they are psychics or fortune tellers....

  3. Japan is the only country that I know that doesn't have any law against racial discrimination. However, as a foreigner, I noticed that they are not judgmental at all. Maybe they do have some comments on some people, race, religion...but they aren't barbaric to suddenly push you away with no apparent reason. They are quite open with the people getting in their country, so as long as you act appropriately and respect their'll be okay.

    Hope this helps.

    Additional Info:

    This is in regards to kb's response. Like from what I said, Japanese people wouldn't really mind as long as you are not to meddle with what they believe in. You will be okay when you get to Japan.

    To kb : There will be a different avenue for your inquiries. I have seen the video and I myself was disturbed about it. I understand where you are coming from. I have lived in Japan long enough to know that people are into psychics and fortune tellers. And I personally thank you for not judging the rest of the Christian community basing it with that reality show participant. Let me tell you, some people who take advantage of their religion to do unacceptable actions are guided by wrong beliefs. Sad to say that there are a lot of those anywhere. However, there are more that are directed into the better path and would do better things for everyone.

  4. No. Now, I want to know where this idea came from seriously.

  5. Japan have been had few relationship with Islamic religion for its long history.

    That is amazing thing compared with many other major countries in the world, but because of this reason Japanese people know really a few about great Islamic cultures and muslims.

    Then, honestly, most of Japanese only see "strange" about muslims on their daily behavior that we are totally not familier with, but it's not  a racial prejudice.

    Now we are keeping the freedom of religion in Japan both formally and substantially.

    We NEVER punish somebody by the reason of don't eating poke , don't drinking alcohol, don't taking off their purdah.

    Please never mind if your neighbors look at you at a little strange eyes. Even so, they don't have evel mind.

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