
Japanese sentance structure help?

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does this sentance [さくらがもうすこしでまんかいでした ] make sense to mean "the cherry blossoms were almost in full blossom"?

thanks, i really appreciate your help!




  1. としてきは サクラが すぐ まんかいに なろうあのといました

  2. no, because it mixes tenses (it mixes present with past).

    it should be: sakura ga mousukoshi de mankaishimasu (present), because mousukoshi tells that it is about to happen and hasnt already happened.

  3. work on your english grammar and spelling first.......

  4. あのときは サクラが すぐ まんかいに なろうとしていました

    That is how it would be written,

    ”At that time, the sakura were soon to 'become full bloom'."

    I think that makes more sense, your original sentence is a little wrong. I think it is better if you use the sentence I constructed, it is the same meaning... Just thinking like a Japanese...

    Hope this helps

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