
Japanese stores in toronto?

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Can someone tell me any Japanese stores that sell Japanese stuff in Toronto(thats in Canada) like manga, Music(!!!), stationary etc.....




  1. J-TOWN!!!

    3160 Steeles Ave. E., Unit 6-11, Markham (North Side of Buffet City)

  2. Not necessary japanese, but china places

    try walk down spadina in china town, i remember there is one there.

  3. Sanko on Queen St W near Slater (4 stops west of Bathurst, past the Beer Store, streetcar stops in front), and in the Kensington Market there is a place closed Mondays called "Little Toyko", they have food, music, dishes, bento boxes and other Japanese goods, I shop at both of them, I worked in Japan in the 1980's, there are some Japnaese goods in both east and west Chinatowns and at the T&T Supermarkets, mostly food and dining related.

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