
Japanese translation?

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can someone translate this japanese sentence WORD by WORD

"suki na hito ni wa suki tte tsutaeru n da"




  1. i alredy told tht person tht i love/like them

  2. 好きな人には好きって伝えるんだ

    Like/love,person, like/person, convey a message

    **I already told the person that I like/love that I like/love him/her


    I already convey a message that I like him/her to the person that I like/love

  3. Suki : Like/love

    Suki na : I like you

    Hito ni I'm not sure is it Hontouni ? if it is then it means REALLY

    That's all I know so far

    "I like you , I really like you"

  4. ill absolutely convey my feeling to him/her when i really like/love that person.

    suki na hito = the person who i love

    ni wa = to

    suki tte = i love you

    tsutaeru n da = tell, inform, convey..etc.
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