
Jason Bay or Manny Ramirez?

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Who do you like better as a person and as an athlete?




  1. I like Jason Bay better as both. He seems to be really humble and down to earth. And you know that with him you are going to get 100 percent from him on the field each day.

    You never know with Manny one day he may make a great catch and the next he cant play because in truth he doesnt want to.

    I know Bay will never replace Manny's bat in the line-up but if I had to pick between Manny "Diva" Ramirez or Jason Bay I would without a dout pick Bay.  

  2. Jason Bay.

    His bat may be worse than Manny's, but Bay runs in the field and on the bases. He will also never fake an injury and say he can't play 1 hour before the game. Manny his 4 HR's in his first 6 games with the Dodgers but only 20 HR's in 100 games with the Red Sox? Hmmm, sounds like someone wasn't giving it his all. Manny sure can hit, but we really need a team player if we're going to go somewhere this year. Plus, if Manny wanted to get out of Boston, what makes you think he'd want to extend his season until late October?

  3. Manny.

  4. Atletiscism is a lot more than just hitting a baseball hard.  If you consider every aspect then the nod clearly goes to Bay.

    Personality wise, bay seems like the better teammate as well.  He has a humble classiness about him.

    That being said, I hope I don't regret the trade on some mid-October night this year. Should bay ever fail in the clutch, the cries of "Manny woulda done it."  will be everywhere.

  5. I'm not crazy about Jason Bay, but he's done some classy things. For example, Nate McLouth was at bat and his bat shattered. A piece flew at the Pirates' coach Don Long who went to the hospital, got stitches, and had some nerve damage in his face. They expect him to fully recover, but they can't promise his smile will be the same. They can't promise that he'll be able to feel on that side of his face.

    Nate McLouth continued to use his explosive maple bats and Jason Bay very quietly switched to ash after the incident. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't read an article about it. Even in the article, Bay came across as very humbled.

    I can't deny the classiness of that, especially in the face of McLouth, who I would expect to be the first person to make a switch. Maybe he figures he won't hurt anyone a second time.

    With the way Ramirez is portrayed in the media, it's hard to like him. A guy who leaves the field in the middle of a game, fakes injury, deserts his team... hard to stomach. Who knows what kind of a person he is in real life.

    However, when it comes down to athleticism, you can't deny that Manny is a better bat. Bay is a small defensive upgrade, a sure baserunning upgrade, but a huge downgrade in offense.

  6. Athlete: Manny.

    Person: Don't know enough about either. What you see and hear in the media isn't all that a player is made up of. And I really don't care about knowing them off the field. If I meet them, that's nice. But I'm certain I won't get to know either of them.  

  7. Man Ram.

  8. It depends. Manny Ramirez probably but the red sox couldn't keep Manny while he was being Manny while they were in the thick of a play off race.  

  9. manny

  10. J-bay-bay~: haha i love calling him that.. i know its the lamest thing in the whole entire world and i hate that song but still >.<

    i like him he seems like a nice humble person who is also a solid athlete. hits well, runs the bases hard.. yup :)

    Manny: that dude is talented! he should take up some yoga while he's in LA :) I dunno the media sure makes it hard to like Manny. He seems like a funny person but also very divaish and jerkish so I won't say anything else.

  11. Person: J. Bay

    Athlete: M. Ramirez

  12. ManRam

  13. Manny Ramirez

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