
Jason or Justin - which do you like better?

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Jason or Justin - which do you like better?




  1. I like Jason better.

  2. Jason

  3. My 4 yr old is called Justin =)

  4. Choose the name you think suits the baby (?) best.

    Don't go with what a bunch of strangers think.

  5. Justin.

  6. Justin! Jason's okay, but Justin is MUCH more cuter.

  7. Justin!

  8. Definitely Jason. Jason Thomas will be my first boy's name, and I really don't even like the name Justin at all.

  9. Hmm... I say... Justin.

  10. Justin

  11. i like both names! out of the two though i would go with justin!

  12. JUSTIN!!!

  13. Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every Justin I've known has been g*y, btw.  

  14. jastin..

  15. Both are nice. They are really great names. My favorite out of the two would have to be Justin. I also think Jesstin puts a unique twist on the name.  

  16. jason is ok but i reallylike justin

  17. Juson... combo!

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