
Jaw pain? Help? Details inside.?

by Guest32763  |  earlier

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So ever since this morning i have had this on and off pain on the right side of my jaw in a small spot. This spot is a little lower on my jaw that my last few teeth in my mouth and i have no idea what it is...

The pain isn't too bad, but it still hurts, it sort of feels like its on the muscle, but i can't be sure, it could just be the muscle pressing against it or something.





  1. I've had this too. There could be a few reasons for this. One is your wisdom teeth are growing unless you have already taken them out? Another is your jaw could be aligned wrong and you're experiencing the pain from it. Another is your grinding your teeth at night. Have you been opening your mouth wide lately or chewing a lot of gum? I get jaw pain as well and it's due to a poorly aligned jaw but i just recently had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out and it feels better.

  2. Go to the dentist and he/she will tell you what it would be.  By the sound of things that it could be either a wisdom tooth is growing in or your getting a cavity.  Try putting an ice pack on it till you go to see one.  

  3. it could be a number of things.  the first being a swollen lymph node due to an infection or just some other illness (sinus infection, infected tooth, allergies).

    It could also be due to grinding or excessive jaw movements at night or day (clenching).

    it can also be due to a bad bite (teeth in wrong position)

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