
Jaw surgery experience?

by  |  earlier

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im getting jaw surgery and my upper jaw is getting pulled foward and pushed up and my bottom jaw is too....if there is anybody who has and kind of jaw surgery that can tell me how their surgery went or how the recovery went it would be SO helpful.




  1. yes i can 100% help

    i had jaw surgury one month ago

    im not gonna lie at times can be anoying but dont let this scare you

    it dosnt really hurt it hurts more to get ur wisdom teeth pulled

    but there will be some pain

    the 3rd or 4th day is really the worst from that it just gets better

    when you see your self for the 1st time your gonna say omg! why did i do this but trust me it gets better

    the bad swelling last about 2 weeks after that you will start to see the results your smile is gonna be a little funny i mean mine still looks funny cuz of the swelling though most of it went down

    drink alot of things this is one thing i didnt wanna do cuz the 1st few days its so hard to brush your teeth are gonna feel so gross but each day try more and more to brush but dont force it just try the best u can

    make shure u have alot of ice and keep it on you for 20 min then take it off for 30 min and then again 20 min of ice thats what i did

    this will also reduce the sweeling

    make shure to get lost of rest

    sleeping will become hard im not shure why but i think it had something to do with the IV but you sleep will get all crazy but it gose back so dont get scared

    for the most what i said is really the worst

    its not that bad

    ur gonna be numb wich is why u will feel very little pain

    1st few days talking will also be hard and it can get frustrating

    hmm what eles ?

    dont go on random websights and read what people had to say i did thst got the life scared out of me the people that write stuff on the internet are the ones that are not happy so they take all there anger out there and scare other people so DONT LISIETN TO THE BAD STUFF

    this is one of the safet surgurys you can get

    your gonna be be fine trust me

    im the most nervoues people you will ever meet lol and im telling you its not that bad

    some days will be harder then other like when u see people eat oh my gosh u will wanna slap them haha cuz u get so hungry

    but eat lots of soup drink juice dont drink soda im not shure why but it just teaste funny after surgury im like officially grossed out by  soda

    sorry i talked so much and yes the revcovery is slow 2 months to heal and i think 6 months to see 100% what you look like so i still also have a few months to go

    i hope i helped a little bit

    take care of your self


    ICE!!!!! lots of ice

    and i know you will be fine

    good luck with everything and just know your gonna look grate like even if my smile is a bit funny (gets better each day :D) i can 1000000% see that my jaw is how it has to be

  2. I had Jaw surgery and i cant remember that much that happened. They knocked me out and i woke up and i was kida disoriented then i passed out then i was home :D My recovery went great but its a little painful at first so soft foods!! Good Luck~~ :D

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