
Jay Leno tonight asked McCain how many houses he owns - why does he answer by saying he was a POW - again?

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I think the world knows he was a POW, and I'm sorry he was a POW - but it's not answering the question:

"Hey John - those are nice $500 shoes?" someone asks.

"Yes - you know when I was a POW I HAD no shoes."




  1. Ha Ha,

    Hey John, Al Quaeda just flew a plane into the World Trade Center..

    You know my friend, when i was a POW,  I could hear our planes flying overhead...

    Pretty Scary!!

  2. That's his Ace-In-The-Hole.

    He uses that whenever he's in a tight spot and doesn't have any other answer.

    It's really getting stale now.

  3. Well, if he had run for president in 2004 he could just take the Republican approach of then and say "But 9/11 was bad." or "What about the terrorists" in response to everything.

    Kind of like how during the Cold War you could just say "But what about the communists" in response to everything.

    However, that approach doesn't have as much effect now. It still works on some ingorant idiots, but not as many, so McCain has to resort to reminding people he was a POW at every turn.

    I respect his service, and I'm sorry he had to go through that, but I still do no want him to be president, and constantly reminding me that he was a POW is not going to make me want to vote for him.

  4. I haven't seen it yet, since it won't air for another couple of hours locally... but I suspect you're just telling lies.

    Edit... well, I watched the McCain interview, and he did go from the houses question to his PoW status as a way to segue into talking about his wife's father.  However, I didn't see the shoes quote you mentioned, so I'll withdraw half of my statement regarding lies.

    As far as why, I don't know.  It wasn't really necessary, as he could have gone straight to talking about his father-in-law returning after serving in the Army Air Forces.

    Regardign "not answering the question," McCain was smart enough to recognize that Leno wasn't really asking about the houses.

  5. Because it has always worked for him.

    Doesn't work for me.

  6. When the democrats have delegates who are openly announcing they are going to support McCain and Hillary says only 50% of her followers are going to vote Obama I think you need to worry about issues a little more serious than the one about the houses and his answers! Even with what you call a bad answer he is winning people over, and a lot of these are now starting to be democrats!! We'll see how worried you are when McCain wins in Nov.

  7. Biden pegged Rudy perfectly in the primaries with his Rudy is nothing more than a noun, a verb, and 911.  The same can be said for McCain.  A noun, a verb, and POW.

  8. Yeah--I saw that.  I still don't think he knows how many houses he has.  I guess being a prisoner of war has warped his memory...great qualifications for president.

    *Funny Chris H.!

    EDIT:  If I had a lot of money I also would have a $1.5 million home.  At least Obama knows where it is.

  9. John McCain has a compelling story to tell regarding his POW captivity.  There is no doubt about that.  However, both McCain and his campaign staff have been cheapening the story recently by making references to his POW status at very inappropriate moments.  McCain used to say how he didn't really like to talk about his POW days.  That has changed greatly, but he still says how he doesn't like to talk about it but then talks about it anyway.  Apparently his story has now become a campaign tactic.  That is a shame.

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