
Jb question? please answer?

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ok well lately ive noticed alot of people on yahoo answers askugn questions such as

" jobros SUCK" (which isnt even a question)

and thinking that all their fans are findless teenage girls who only like them because of their looks and because they're popular. these people think that we cannot choose music for ourselves and that the media and disney has ultimate control of what we listen to.

yes, i agree some fangirls only like them for their looks and stuff, but isnt that applicable to so much other things as well?

you cant generalize an entire empire of fandom like that.

and also, the jonas brothers DO have talent.

yes, i might be a bit biased, but still.

im not forcign anyone to like them, you can have you own opinions, i just get annoyed when people are just like "theryre sooooo ugly they suck" which is the exact same thign haters get mad at us for "theyre sooo hot, they're awesome".

i could list so much more reasons why the jonas brothers are wicked sick (in my opinion) but for now, that will suffice.

anyone agree/disagree?

and why?




  1. agree. everyone has their own taste in music, MUSIC IS A FREE CHOICE. and like, the haters arent going to put us down by saying 'they suck' and stuff like that. who cares. everyone has their own opinion. and no ones is going to change our or their minds on what they think about the jonas brothers. but seriously, atleast the jonas brothers are GOOD PEOPLE. the people who make the music haters listen to are either drug addicts, alcoholics, or dead. lol. atleast the jonas brothers are alive!

  2. actually, saying they cant sing is a valid point, but whatever.

    i dont like their music... i try not to hate too much, but sometimes its hard not too. some fans just p**s me off.

    and some people are the best... example:

    if he isnt a rock god, i dont know who is.

    also, just because you think they have good vocals, doesnt mean everyone thinks that. i dont like their kind of singing... or their music... or their lyrics, for that fact.

    they might be mature, but their band is pretty shallow. they dont sing about anything "deep".

  3. way to go i agree 100%!!! seriously, i mean, there is enough sadness and meaness in this world without people having this vendetta against people!!


    and even if you don't think they have talent, please think about those who do, like me! you guys plllease stop hating on the jonas brothers or people in general!!!

    if you don't like the jonas brothers, its fine. i don't like justin timberlake but you don't see me posting "WHO ELSE DOESN'T REALLY LIKE TIMBERLAKE?". its a matter of opinion. i like them, someone else might not! so as a human, every one of you should respect other people's opinion. i respect that some people don't like the jonas brothers, but i request everybody to keep their hateful comments to themselves, please.  

  4. You're taking this waaaay to seriously, why do you care? And yes they suck, why? TOP 5 REASONS:

    1. They can't sing good (anyone with decent ears knows what I'm talking about)

    2. They can't play the guitar good.

    3. Their lyrics are the worst. (no substance, only stupid nonsense cheesy message)

    4. They are Overrated.

    5. They are Immature. (no wonder they attract 12 yr olds)

    Only 12 yr. olds like those stuff, and if you're a JB Fan that is above 12 yrs of age, then, I'm sorry that you are one of the crazed brain dead people who actually like their music.

  5. Agree! =]


  7. Agree, the JBs are so great and for so much more than their looks. Haters dont have real reasons to hate them, they says things that are not true such as they are g*y which obviously their not.

  8. Im with ya1

    But i do like them! A LOT! lol

  9. Yes I agree with you completely, your  100% right, except I'm NOT a fan of them.

  10. I agree that we all have opinions and different tastes in music. My opinion on the Jonas Brothers is that they suck. You have every right to disagree with me. However the fans THAT ASK IDIOTIC QUESTIONS EVERY FIVE MINUTES ARE SO ANNOYING THAT WE "HATERS" GET SO FED UP WITH IT WE BLOWUP!  

  11. Agree

    Fan girls are the most annoying thing they can ruin some bands and they have in a way Ruined JB

    But im NOT a fan of JB  casue they are just another Disney cash cow like they cant even sing about what they want to becasue disney wont let them

    i might like JB better if they ditched Disney and became better at playing the guitar

    but they are not compleatly with out talent the little jonas with the cute hair can actulally sing quite well and there fun to watch and seem like nice people

    But music is a free choice and people can like what ever they like

    meaning we are free to hate, love, scream about and stay neutral about the Jonas brother

    and yes JB are Very good role models but they aren't doing anything to change ( like Bob Dylan) the world or inspire stuffed up kids to quit drugs  but at least they aren't encouraging this stuff

  12. no one says all fangirls only like them because of their looks.

    they say the "obsessed fans are really annoying." and if

    someone does that that all of them like them because of

    their looks then just ignore it. you know that you like their

    music and don't care about their looks. and none of the

    Anti's would be talking about them or probably wouldn't

    even know who they are if it wasn't for these annoying fangirls

    who want their phone numbers and every fact about their

    lives. and also askes questions over and over again. i don't

    get why they don't relize its spam. and i see a lot of fans

    that make questions saying, "Jonas Brotherssss?" thats

    not a question either. and some of them are them sayin

    how much they love them and there isn't a question in it.

    TO COURTNEY S's comment:

    " the people who make the music haters listen to are either drug addicts, alcoholics, or dead"

    wow. not really. the Jonas Brothers don't have their own genre. all the Jonas Brothers do is talk about love and their

    are plenty of other bands who talk about love and who did

    before they were even born.

    and so what if some of us listen to emo music. now you're

    dissing our opinions and musical taste?

    (btw, that wasnt to you questioner)

  13. OMJ! I Totaly Agree! The Jonas Have So Many Great Qualties In Talent!

    I Have Been Their Fan Since Early 2005 And Have Stayed With Them Through Everything! TO Be Honest With You I Didnt Think They Were All That Cute When They First Came Out And Joe Kinda Scared Me In Music Videos When His Vains Would Pop Out Of His Neck! But I Loved Their Music! After The Past 3 Years I Have Loved Them More And More Every SIngle Day! They All Three Are Very Talented. And Now I Am In Love With Joe For His Personality! He Is So Funny! Who Cares About Their Looks I Dont!

    And Hello People Can Have Their Own Opinion! I Have Mine So You Can Have Yours! People Are Just Getting Very Imature For Posting Things On Here About The Jonas Brothers Sucking! If You Think They Suck Then Why Talk About Them! Your Just Giving Them More Fame!  

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