
Jealous Of The Dog? Help please!?

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I have noticed this weekend that my stepson has been lying a lot about the dog. giving her things to chew and lying blatently about things she actually cannot do.

Why is he doing this? is it jealousey or a bully type thing?? I am just curious I dont like my dog being made to look bad :(




  1. Get him a barnowl to take his mind off things.

  2. you are quite right. He is unconsciously trying to get himself the attention  that the dog gets. A lot of work to be done here!

  3. I don't totally understand your question but from what I gather it is shocking! You seem to care more about your dog than your stepson, it’s no wonder this country is turning out the way it is with parents like you. Does it really matter about the dog, no, as long as it is healthy not in any physical pain and has food and water then forget about it.

    Now your stepson seems to be craving for your attention and the only way he seems to be getting it is if he winds you up about your dog, he obviously has this feeling that you love your dog more than him. You need to start talking and playing games together, praise the good things he does, make him feel cared for, talk to your husband about things you can do together as a family. It may also be a good thing to go to family counselling as it may make it easier for your stepson and you to talk about how you feel but it is unlikely that he will want to go and this is a last resort. Make sure you have a positive attitude towards him as children need this and it will build up his confidence and self esteem. He was part of your husband’s life before you.

    I hope this helps and remember children and more important than animals!

    Good Luck xxxx

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