
Jealous of family member...?

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so while i was growing up, my cousin always got the compliments and i was the skinny kid that got barely any comments. she always got comments and credit for how well she did in school and all i got was look how lazy you are...and always being compared. and i HATE being compared to other people!! i mean who doesnt!? but anyway, i gotta admit she is pretty...prettier than me i gotta say...and we stopped talking for a while, but just yesterday she was puttig me down and sometimes i just wanan tell her to STFU youre not all that!!!!!!! i know she has insecurities like her weight, but she'd use that to skinny people and say gain weight and make good excuses for herself and bad excuses for us skinnys lol because where i live thick is nice! and im clearly insecure about that already. and im younger than her but she has this ego and coceitedness i absolutely hate i just hate those things about people. BIGGEST PET PEEVES! she isnt the smartest but what makes her seem smart is that shes a hard working person. but ugh I WANNA GET OVER THIS ENVIOUS THING how do i get over that. i wanna be better than her and tell her to just stop MY GOSH this is bOTHERING ME SO MUCH! i hate her under estimating me. SHE KNOWS how it feels. its like she has to put me down to gain a sense of proudness or whatever.




  1. First of all you can tell her that YOU will NEVER be as OLD as her.  And where I come from and where most women come from thin is better AND heathier than thick (i know, i know some of you will disagree) and there are a lot of things you can do to make yourself prettier like getting your hair hilited and getting your nails done etc.  It seems as though your personality is better because conceitedness makes a person ugly!!  You need to just accept that you are a beautiful person inside and out and consider yourself equal to her if not better.  She is NOT better than you.  Face it.

  2. uhg. my family is exactly the cousin ..shes so great! and she really isnt! the only reason they like her more is because shes going to college to be a nurse wooo big deal. well i went to be a chef. every time i try to give them cooking advice they are like "Ive been cooking 349508346 years and i know what I'm doing!" well ok w/e. yeah and my cuz puts me down too....shes like OMG you only make such an hour at work, you should quit and get a better job! yeah STFU...I try to stand up for myself, although it doesnt work most the time. Just try to ignore all the comments, and know your strengths. Have confidence that you are a great person inside and out, weather she thinks it or not! Good Luck!

  3. beat her ***

  4. She's not going to stop until you stand up for yourself.  If you stand up for yourself, that's one thing SHE will be jealous of. :)

  5. Just talk to her about it. If that doesn't work the war is on.

  6. To be honest-this story sounds so much like the relationship my sister and I have of each other. I am going to be honest, she is jealous of you. That is why she says the things she does. Yea, she probably is pretty and whatnot, but being pretty doesn't always make a person happy. There is something in her life that you have that she doesn't have...therefore she is going to be mean to you to hide her jealousy. How do I know? My sister is the same way. Technically, my sister has no right to be jealous of me. She is pretty and has a great life with her hubby, but she follows the crowd. She really doesn't have too much of an identity because she wants to go so mainstream with life. I am different. I follow my own lead. I don't care what other people think. I honestly believe she is jealous of me for that. The best thing you can do, is ignore her. Don't let her know her comments slightly annoy you. Instead, laugh it off, go your merry way and live life...There is a saying that goes "Be nice to your enemies because it only pisses them of even more."

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