
Jealousy: Do Cancer men get very jealous in romantic relationships?

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And how do they show it usually?

Though everyone's different, I'm just asking in a general sense. Thanks.




  1. from my experience they scream and throw things. they throw a temper tantrum and start breaking things. they may cry in front of you but only if it is just the 2 of you, or they might quietly talk to you about it and get more and more angry as you try to defend yourself.

    if in public they will open their hold it inside until they feel like screaming, and then they will scream. at everyone and to everyone. they will blow up in a sense.

    but that is just my experience.

  2. The one I dated was very possessive. But I don't know if this is a Cancer trait.

  3. yes, I agree, they are insecure in love.....from my experience...As they get older they do get wiser to matters of the heart. I would definately want a well seasoned Cancer rather than an inexperienced one! It is very important to find one who has found his/her own sense of self as well, they generally tend to try to find themselves in others....not a good thing in relationships!

    They tend to show it DRAMATICALLY! will know when one becomes jealous! Its either one extreme or the other!...They are either jealous and 'loud' about it or they are trusting and content.....

    ....just from my own experience with Cancer's.....

  4. Yes, Oh Dear they just are so insecure they need constant reassurance. Telltale signs that your Cancer is mad. They will nag at you and be crabby..but you are in serious hot water if they won't talk to you at all that means your little crab is inside his/her shell and you must have messed up BIG TIME! Try to coax them out with a home cooked meal and very sincere words of how much you love them and how special they are and if you are lucky your Crab will begin to show a little interest by poking a bit up at out of the sand slowly and cautiously peeking out to see if it's safe to come and cuddle up with you again or retreat back to the safety of the shell. Home Sweet Home.

  5. speaking as a cancer... yes we are very jealous in our relationships... we honor loyalty in our partners because we seek security in all aspects of life especially love and home matters. We show it by not saying anything to our mates... somwhat like a grown up but we are not ashamed to express ourselves so you may hear us get mad and yell... but dont worry.. once we vent, we are back to our regular self. But we are very loyal lovers and supply that emotional and romantic security any woman wants...

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