
Jeff Kemp for Torii Hunter?

by Guest21358  |  earlier

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Duh, Matt Kemp, not Jeff Kemp. If I don't know his name, maybe that means I should trade him.




  1. Yes, if you're getting Hunter. Kemp rarely hits any homers and can only hit for contact and steal some bases. Hunter do all of it. He can steal bases, hit for some contact, hit for power, score runs, and has a good OBP. The only thing Hunter's missing is some RBI's to match Kemp.

    Edit: you think Kemp will hit 20 homers and 40 steals? He has 5 homers and 10 stolen bases and the season is 40% done.

  2. Matt Kemp or Jeff Kent? If you're looking for Matt Kemp, that trade would not be good. Kemp is better offensively than Hunter.

  3. i like Kemp is will provide you with close to 40 steals and 20 hrs while Hunter will  probably give you 25 hrs 10 steals and maybe ten more rbis so deffinetley take Kemp unless you are starved for power and RBIs

  4. Do it Now!!!!

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