
Jeff Samardzija gets his first Major League save...?

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How good did this kid look today? How about Jim Edmonds catch to end the game, simply amazing?




  1. I never realized that the former Notre Dame standout WR was a good pitcher. Congrats to him.

  2. dude yes!  

    Jeff Samardzija is the answer for Kerry Wood and just imagine when Kerry Wood comes back!

    I cant wait to see if this guy (Samardzija) can keep it up...He may be this year's Joba Chamberlain if he can :)

    That catch was flat out AWESOME..The guys still got it

  3. He had a nice fastball and his slider was dirty.  If he can play like that consistently, then he'll be around for a while.

  4. with all this drama in Y!A baseball section talking about the cubs i was actualy watching that game and u kno wat...he looked realy good!

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