
Jehovah's Witness, How much of the Bible must you know to survive God's coming judgment ?

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Jehovah's Witness, How much of the Bible must you know to survive God's coming judgment ?




  1. In order to survive God's coming judgement, Jehovah's Witnesses must accept as truth everything their Governing Body tells them about the Bible - and that means their version of the Bible, the New World Translation.

    According to the Governing Body of this organisation, in 1919 God chose them as his only source of communication with humanity. The Governing Body (who call themselves the 'faithful and discrete slave' whose function is to distribute spiritual food at the appropriate time) are the only people qualified to understand and interpret scripture. "We cannot find the scriptural guidance we need outside of the 'faithful and discrete slave' organisation" (Watchtower 15 November 1981). Furthermore, they claim that "To serve and praise the Universal Sovereign, one must associate with the organisation of Jehovah's Christian witnesses" (Watchtower 1 July 1973).

    And as if all of that wasn't sufficient, they must also go from door to door to witness to other people. "Actually, without such witnessing there is no salvation for Christians" (Watchtower 14 July 1972).

    Sadly, they haven't read or understood those scriptures which say that to be saved, they have to be born again of the Holy Spirit and be in the New Covenant Jesus introduced some 2,000 years ago. 99.9% of them are excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven because their Governing Body has told them only 144,000 people can go to heaven.

  2. The Bible answers this way:

    2 Thess 1: 6-8.

    If you have a problem with that answer then I guess you have just  refused to recognize Words written under inspiration.

    Particularly with Verse 8..

  3. Read John 17:3.

  4. Is this the way you preach the True Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone?  By passing judgement yourself?  If you must judge, judge righteously.  If I am in error and you have never sinned, then I apologize wholeheartedly and I say throw the biggest rock you can find.  

  5. Only excerpts they take out of context are necessary. example follows

      12)The  "great crowd" of "other sheep" who "stand before the throne" will survive "the great tribulation " and the destruction of "Armageddon" and will have earned by their unwavering faithfulness to "the faithful and discrete slave" class of "anointed" " brothers of Christ" the opportunity for "everlasting life" in a 'Paradise" earth.(Appropriate scriptures are quoted at the bottom of the paragraph.)Question12) a) What group of individuals also have the prospects to gain life? b) Who must these show faithfulness to? These types of questions and paragraphs do not teach the bible they teach a twisted doctrine of man.

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