
Jehovah's Witness, Why was it bad for David to count the people ?

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Sorry, my Bible studys are all over the place.




  1. Probably for the same reason Jews state: that it is only for God to know.

    Conservative Jews run into a problem with this today: they are not allowed to count people, but they need 10 men for a minyan, the quorum for a service.  One way they get around this is for a certain poem of ten lines be recited; if they get to the last line, they know they have the ten without having to count!

  2. .As far as David goes He sinned going against what God had said .I think it was because he wanted to know the strengthth of how many men he had before he went into battle and since God battled for Israel and how many men they had was not important at all or the strength because they battled with the armies of heaven working beside them it showed a lack of faith in God's promise to win the battle for them.When the armies of heaven are doing the work why worry about the numbers?God and His armies get the credit not man.

  3. Why did taking a count of people constitute a serious sin for David? The taking of a census was not in itself forbidden in the Law.

    (Numbers 1:1-3; 26:1-4) The Bible does not say what objective moved David to number the people. However, 1 Chronicles 21:1 indicates that Satan incited him to do so. In any event, his military chief, Joab, knew that David’s decision to register the people was wrong, and he tried to dissuade David from doing it.

  4. The sin of "pride"

    David wanted to see how big his nation had become, by counting the people of Israel.

    He wanted to know, not God.

    David was warned not to do it, but when Satan stood up against Israel, it provoked David.

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