
Jehovah's Witnesses, Help With the Ministry School Review for August?

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Does anyone know the answer to number 12? I don't have the right reference article, and its an 08 so I can't find it in the Library.

Any help would be much appreciated =)





  1. LOL....Vot got thumbs down?? How silly.

    That's the reference material you need ;)

    I had to use the WT Library to figure out how to say "Ar·is·tar′chus". I love our WTL!

  2. And Vot has it.

    Don't we all just love our Vot?

    x x x

  3. *goes to dig for KM* *looks under bed*


    Bah! Silly me- forgot that 15th means Study Edition. I went digging into the wrong box :P

    I'd say: They reacted courageously, and continued preaching despite the persecution.

    Can I type out the paragraphs for you? (((Tears))) OvO


    16. If we are persecuted, we can be confident that Jehovah will be with us. (Rom. 8:35-39) In the open-air theatre at Ephesus, Paul's coworkers Aristarchus ad Gaius faced a mob likely numbering into the thousands. The silversmith Demetrius had incited a riot. He and fellow craftsmen made silver shrines of the goddess Artemis, and their profitable business was threatened because Paul's preaching work caused many of the city's residents to forsake idol worship. The mob dragged Aristarchus and Gaius into the theatre and kept shouting: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" Aristarchus and Gaius probably expected to die, but the city recorder quieted the crowd.- Acts 19:23-41

    17. If you had undergone such an experience, would you have sought a less challenging life? There is no indication that Aristarchus or Gaius lost courage. Being from Thessalonica, Aristarchuc knew that proclaiming the good news could result in persecution. Sometime earlier, a riot had occured when Paul preached there. (Acts 17:5; 20:4) Because Aristarchus and Gaius walked in Jehovah's ways, they had God-given strength and courage to endure persecution.


    Whew! Excuse the typos, Vot's starving!!!

    *hits fridge*

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