
Jehovah's Witnesses, if Christ returned "invisibly" in 1914, how did you know? ?

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Abdijah, skip ahead 9 verses to Mat 24 verse's 23 & 24. I dont really get your answer can you flesh it out for me?




  1. It says in the Bible about Jesus' return in Acts 1:9-11...

    9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

    10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

    His return must be the same as His ascension! An "invisible" return of 94+ years in the making is not at all similar to His ascension as recorded in the Book of Acts, in which the two angels testified His returning will be the same as His going!!!

    The WBTS somehow missed some critical Scriptural analysis, making up their own hasty dogma simply because the 1914 false prophecy was not fulfilled, therefore making Jesus "invisible" afterwards for conveniences!!!

  2. Funny that for over 75 years JWs believed that Christ's invisible return was in 1874. I was in the Borg for my wholelife before I knew this. No JW today knows this. It is swept under the rug like everything else.

    JWs point to the start of WWI as the greatest proof that Jesus came to rule in 1914, just like CT Russel pointed to a lot of things that happened in 1874 as proof that he came THAT year.

    There are a few historians who have remarked on the significance of 1914 as a pivotal year, but of course, there is hardly a single year in all of history that has not been singled out as pivotal for some reason:

    1939 - WWII

    1963 - JFK

    2001 - 9/11

    1986 - The Mets won the world series...

    I could go on all day of course.

    Interestingly I asked my history professor in college what the most war filled era was in all history. He answered, "The Napoleonic Wars." Not even in the 20th century. So much for 1914 being the "start of anything significant or different."

    There is simply nothing happening now that has not been happening since the beginning of time. Of course we now have greater technology, but the big swell of technology comes on the back of acheivements in science in the 1700s and earlier. So, "the start" of 20th century progress was way back in the 1700s, not 1914.

    In fact, WWI started as a result of dual aliances made many years before. So, are they saying that Satan came down to earth before 1914 to prepare the situation so he could start a giant war in 1914?

    The greatest preaching campaign in all history is not JWs but the catholic church of the Middle Ages. they gained more followers and converted more to Christianity than any other religion at any other time.

    Also noteworthy world wide organized preaching campaigns were conducted after the reformation by well organized Protestant organizations.

    JWs are simply small potatoes in the arena of preaching when compared to almost any other main stream religion.

    Even now, the International Baptist Organization has a much greater ministry, and is better known than JWs. They have more missionaries, more money and more converts than JWs ever will have. Mormon ministries are also colossal compared to the tiny JW preaching campaign.

    But JW leaders try to make JWs think that they are the biggest and the best preachers. When you look at the facts of history however, we are not really living in a specially significant time at all. There has always been a belief that we could end the earth, and that it would burn up in a fiery ball. This is nothing new.

  3. Notice in your Bible, Matthew 24:3.  Jesus' disciples asked him what the "signs" of his presence be.  Not "I'll see you when I see you." or "Phone me up when you drive by." or "Look up in the sky all those millions of angels coming down behind the guy in white."

    The disciples knew by this time that his second presence would not be visible and not taking over the throne of Jerusalem.  So they asked for "How will we know because we can't see it?"

    Matthew ch.24 has both a fulfillment in 70CE with the destruction of Jerusalem and today with Christ taking the throne of God's Kingdom and the beginning of the "last days of this wicked system of things".  2Timothy 3:1-5 talks about this same time.  All of this is happening now on a world wide scale in volume more massive than at any time in history.  Why?

    Because Revelations 12:7-12 has started being fulfilled as well.  the first major thing Jesus does/did as King was to kick Satan and his followers out of heaven to the earth.  As vs.12 shows Satan has great anger as he knows his time is almost up.  Since 1914, this has been going full force bad.

    Now there are scriptures showing by math how weeks of years point to 1914.  I do not attempt it here because of space.  Current events show it well enough.  Only someone living in a hole for years would say everything is rosy today.  And why since exactly 1914 have they become this way?  Sure bad things happen in all of history, but never on such a world wide scale!

  4. His 3-days-dead "scent" probably gave him away.

  5. It says it all in the bible

  6. Matthew 24:3-14 contains the main part of the answer to this question.

  7. Jesus warned ahead of time what would mark his return. he listed a number of events, as recorded at Matthew 24, 25; Mark 13 and Luke 21. Among these were: “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. . . . and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. . . . And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”—Matt. 24:7-14.. it was also prophesied in Daniel

    What do we see when we examine the prophetic pattern of Daniel 4:10-17? The giant, heaven-high tree represents divine rulership. The tree was cut down when God’s Kingdom of Judah with its capital in Jerusalem fell in 607 B.C.E. After “seven times” of beastly rule by the nations passed, the two constraining bands of metal were released, and divine rulership was restored when Jesus Christ began to rule as King in God’s heavenly government in 1914.

    The calculations are made in a way similar to those made by the Watch Tower Society’s first president, C. T. Russell, in 1877 and recorded in the book he coauthored entitled The Three Worlds. This is how it is done: In Revelation chapter 12, verses 6 and 14, we learn that 1,260 days are equal to “a time [that is, 1 time] and times [that is, 2 times] and half a time,” or a total of 3 1⁄2 times. So “a time” would be equal to 360 days. “Seven times” would be 360 multiplied by 7, or 2,520 days. Now if we count a day for a year, according to a Bible rule, the “seven times” equal 2,520 years. (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6) Therefore, the duration of the “seven times,” the Gentile Times, is from 607 B.C.E. to 1914 C.E.

    What reasons are there for believing that Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic tree dream stretches into our 20th century and finds fulfillment in God’s Kingdom? One reason is this: Much of the book of Daniel involves prophecies that find fulfillment in world rulership and God’s Kingdom after the lifetime of Daniel. Read, for example, Daniel chapter 2. It depicts a multimetal image representing successive world powers that are pulverized. By what? God’s Kingdom! (Daniel 2:44) Or read Daniel chapter 7 where successive world governments are seen as wild beasts rising out of the sea and finally being replaced by one rulership. Which one? God’s Kingdom! (Daniel 7:14) Or read Daniel chapters 11 and 12. In those chapters a king of the north and a king of the south keep testing each other out in a battle for world supremacy until they meet their defeat at the hand of Prince Michael. (Daniel 12:1) Who is this Michael? Jesus Christ, ruler in God’s Kingdom!

    Thus the year 1914 was marked for a very good reason. It signaled the start of the righteous rule toward the earth by God’s Kingdom. It spelled doom for the wicked. It pointed to “the last days” of this ungodly system of things.  

  8. lol

  9. X-Ray glasses...just a wild quess.

  10. By means of studying the Bible and pay attention to Bible prophesy.  Acts 1:11 shows that his return would be in the 'same manner' as his ascending to heaven.  If you notice that Jesus ascended to heaven in a way that not ALL could see, only his disciples.  Likewise his return would be in the 'same manner'.  Bible prophecy shows clearly that we live DURING his prescence, which indicates that he has ALREADY returned to a 'heavenly prescence'.  Many people associate Jesus return with the rapture, but the Bible shows that he has already ruling as King in the Heavens, his next 'return' will be a Judge, in which he will destroy wicked mankind and all earthly governments in opposition to Jehovah God's will. (Dan. 2:44)  Notice that he comes 'on clouds', (Rev. 1:7) this indicates that this is a figurative usage, and not literal, because clouds do not 'aid' in vision, but rather can impede it.  Furthermore if he is visible to on one side of the earth, it would be impossible for people on the other side of the earth to view him simultaneously, and even more so based on the context of Acts 1:11 which shows that his departure was not for ALL to see.  So his 'prescence' will be invisible to many.  But 'every eye' will see him in the sense that they will 'mentally percieve' that Christ IS present when sudden judgement falls upon mankind.  At that time they will know that Christ has indeed been ruling as King and that thier judgement is near.  This verse basically helps earnest students of the Bible to see that although ALL the signs of Christ presence are taking place and have been taking place specifically since 1914 (Matthew Ch. 24) only his disciples would be able to truly understand the SIGNIFICANCE of these things and be able to discern Christ presence.  Again his 'return' would be in the 'same manner' as his ascending to heaven....only in view of his disciples, not all of mankind.

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