
Jehovah's Witnesses; Did you feel like Russia's actions against the false prophet's nabe signaled ?

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The rise of the King of the North? I thought it would be but after last night's lesson at the book-study we should just be like Micah. " The waiting Attitude"




  1. no.

    According to the prophecy in the 13th chapter of Revelation, the ruling head of Satan's political wild beast is destined to suffer a catastrophic death stroke and then afterwords miraculously revive, only to lead the world into idolizing an image of the revived beast.

    While Anglo-Amercia fell financially it's constitutions, freedoms, policy's and governments remained intact from WW1.

    What we are facing is the unexpected and horrifying collapse of the Anglo-American king, and, to some extent, the entire system overseen by the currently-ruling 7th king.

    We also may expect the 8th king to war against Jehovah's people: according to the 13th chapter of Revelation, immediately after the beast receives the sword stroke and then comes back to life, it begins to blaspheme God and war against his servants.

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