
Jehovah's witnesses. are all these things true???

by  |  earlier

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i found this on the net. ARE ALL THESE THINGS TRUE???

i just wanna know




  1. it's all the doing of shrooms!

  2. Nothing is for sure! Only what we r taught and what we agree with! Peace!

  3. I won't go onto that site, because the only official site with 100% accurate info is:

    There are hundreds of sites set up to slander the Witnesses...and the sad thing is people are believing it.  

    Why don't you meet a JW and get to know them and see if the things you wonder about are true?

  4. not sure about ALL of them. but one of my ex co workers who was or is a jehovas' witness told me that they cant get blood transfusions and that they arent allowed to say "bless you". those two are true.

  5. i'm pretty sure that's all true.

    maybe there are some things in there that aren't, but the whole "no holidays, giving blood, piercing ears, saluting the flag" thing is true.


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