
Jehovah's witnesses who love Jehovah and are trying to live a life pleasing to him...?

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Whoops: sorry for posting that twice!!




  1. I'm not a JW, but some of the most vocal JWs are prime offenders.  They seriously lack tact and concern for the public image of Jehovah's Witnesses. If I were still a JW today, I would be quite distraught over some of their behavior.

    I'm shocked most of all by the lack of humility.  When I was a JW (and still true today) the worst thing someone could tell me is that I was being unChristian. I would feel DEEP REMOARSE over that. Yet, my character is always under attack, I've been mocked about the loss of my family, and when I cry "FOUL!" ... I am then told that I must be "PMSing" and "Eat some chocolate" ..... I'm blown away. I think I need to "exit stage left" for a while because it's harder and harder to keep myself from returning the favor.

    Check this out, from one of the prime offenders:

    "When your children call from jail, or run away to live with their druggie friends , or when you help them raise their illegitimate child, remember God's way is best.

    Sorry , that was unkind...forgive me."

    If she was truly sorry, then wouldn't she have removed her comment? By the way, she was talking about JW's way of doing things... not God's. ; );...

    See also:;...

    And a new question:;...

  2. well to make jesus happy I'd suggest killing the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, homosexuals, all other Christian denominations beside your own, Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists, adulterers, atheists, and agnostics.

    It'll save him alot of time when he destroys the world  

  3. Yes, I am surprised at answers that I think are from Witnesses. I have not been posting for too long. So I don't know that I may be posting to someone that is apostate or disfellowshipped. Once I know they are I do not answer their questions.

    I am just as surprised at the so-called Best Answers that some of these select. I have seen some EXCELLENT detailed, well-thought out answers by some of our brothers. And then Best Answer will be something like "they're a cult".

    I wonder did they really want to get an answer or to open up another opportunity for someone to post an answer like that.

    But I have figured out some by the way they "come back" to ask further questions that become more derogotory as the question goes on.

    Only once or twice have I personally posted an answer that I almost knew would raise eyebrows when I put it in. And sometimes that was because I did not take the time to make plain what I was saying. So my half-thought came out abrupt or chiding.

    As for others, I will say that I have read some answers to my husband (please read between the lines) and he has said there is no excuse for such answers lacking in tact. Not forthright. He has no problem with that. But lack of tact.

    I have always made it a rule to give answers in words like I would use at the door. If I wouldn't say it there, I won't say it here.

  4. I have never seen what you are referring to, i am actually very impressed with the content of the Q/A.

    I have found there is a dichotomy between Jehovah's Witnesses and the other comment/questions.  

    There are also probably many  young ones that have posted in a similar fashion  to what you mentioned.  But, even so considering the climate, i am sure those comments paled by comparison.

    I do think that comments like what you mentioned are probably done by those that are studying, perhaps grew up around the truth, and as i mentioned young.  My advise to them would be to be extra discerning with the questions they choose.  

    Or perhaps this site is not a good idea, since many if not most of the folks on this site are not exactly respectful, and at time down right nasty.  And that attitude no doubt can be infectious.

  5. I do get a little upset at some answers, yes. I know what questions you refer to. If you would look at the askers other questions, you would see why some would start to get nasty toward that person. He keeps asking very nasty questions, and posting lie after lie. I too have gotten a little smart. Am I happy about that, no, but we are all imperfect, and loose it sometimes.

  6. Are you embarrassed by the ridiculous number of incredibly offensive questions non-JW Christians pose to JWs every day on this forum?

  7. Tell me about it!  The JWs on Y!A are no different than the ones I deal with offline!

    Check out this one below, notice conundrum's comment.  

    He said I gave a snide remark but gave one in return saying that I probably don't understand (the listed) scriptures!  Read my response back!

    They call exJWs 'aposties', they give arrogant answers and are as cocky as they can be!  

  8. Christian Mommy,

    You know, your right. You are absolutely undeniably correct. Jehovah's people should be loving no matter what the circumstance.

    I humbly ask you. If day in and day out you see questions directed TO YOU, asked specifically TO YOU and you say to yourself "Ok, maybe this one time this person is sincere. Maybe since this person is directing this question to my faith they really want to know honestly an answer from me. I will go out on a limb and expose my heart and truthfuly answer this question."  You come back an hour later and the "best answer" is given to a person that HATES you and everything you believe in such as here:;...

    and here:;...

    It happens over, and over, and over again. Such an unloving thing to do. If people don't want to hear what the witnesses have to say then fine don't ask them directly. All these questioners that do this think that the JW's are weak and under mind control from an evil cult, right? So why draw them in just to spit in their faces? Why pick on somebody that you deem weaker then you. Do you know what that is called? It's being a bully.

    I see this every single day in a different capacity. I have twin boys with Autism. These loving, kind precious boys are so easily taken in by other children. They are drawn over by a smile or a wave. Once they come over they are pointed at, laughed at because they are different. One day there was these 3 boys that just kept on laughing at one of my sons. My boys are very tactile driven and the texture of something he ate made him vomit.  My son was so emotionally and physically upset he ran over and pushed the biggest of the boys. In turn the boy that is twice the size of my Autistic son busted my son's lip.

    What I am trying to say is that we should be kind no matter what but  when you and your beliefs are constantly downgraded, dismissed and ridiculed retaliation can happen. We are all terribly imperfect and can only strive to be acceptable to our Father, Jehovah God.

  9. I am so glad you posted this question. If they are not ashamed of them, then I am sure Jehovah is. Many of them are so rude and hateful. I stopped coming on here for a long time due to many hateful , huteful remarks from them. V_ _ is one who is very rude most of the time. Others are too. I am sometimes shocked at their responses. They ..most..are not showing the Love for all that is a fruitage of the spirit. It seems to me that their love is for ones of their own faith..and if you dare speak against the beliefs or question too much..they will take that love away very fast.  

  10. Lo I'm not offended by that. that would be being overly sensitive. they say they are jehovah's Witnesses but maybe they aren't, we cant be sure because many people lie on the internet.

  11. This is an anonymous forum.  I have no way of really knowing, except by a long tracking of their answers, who really is or is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Anyone can say that they are.

    I do not hold any of us, including myself, to a perfect standard.  I have never claimed to be perfect, either.

    But I am nobody's spiritual cop.  I trust that my true brothers and sisters here will do their best to reply "with a mild temper and deep respect," as the Bible requires.

    The Lord Jesus Christ was at times very unhappy with the behavior of his disciples, but he kept on loving them anyway.

    Peter denied Christ three times, but Jesus used him anyway.

    None of us here can speak for Jesus.  He reads hearts, we cannot.

  12. It is not hard to spot who is who, if you not only listen to the words, but hear the words! I admire them for their want to know, but, they are not intitled to know! If they were intitled to know, then you would have peace all around you! And as you can see, by what is written, mankind has not turned from his evil ways! You need to think about this word, SUBTIL, most people can not hang on to a precept, long enough to go to another precept! They try and apply a spiritual bible to a physical world! Man does not live by """bread""" alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD! There are a lot of words spoken! If they had the truth, every one would flock to them for wisdom! Not to take from them, but, I get angry when I see anyone ALTER the words! I do not care what religeon you are! THAT IS WHAT HAS GOT US TO THIS POINT IN TIME, PERVERTING THE WORDS! Peace be with you!

  13. no. sometimes, the person can be very insulting, and it's hard to control your anger. So the questions may be harsh or sarcastic. And sometimes we just return it back. we are only human, but we try not to do so. sometimes, the people do deserve it.

  14. Even though I  am no longer a Jw I understand what  you are saying.  I had been away from the people of  the  organization for about 15 yrs other  than my family members.  When  I came on here and read their answers....I was appalled.   I cannot believe people  can claim to live a good, moral, god like life and speak the way they do to people.

    Of course they have no accountability on here.  Their actions cannot be traced and they have no elders on here to  impress.  To be very honest my issues with them before coming here was purely doctrine...I still missed all my friends.  Now...  I want nothing to do  with any of  them because I think they have become very arrogant.  

    There is only one Jw on here who answers with a sense of  grace  and politeness.

    Edit:  and yet  one of the  ones  I find to  be in the top 5 of rude answers is  the first to  respond to you..funny

    Edit;  Look at all the thumbs down when ppl respond with outrage because of the way they act on here...I can only assume it is the Jw's handing those out....have we hit a  nerve here???

  15. Have I typed things I wished I hadn't?


    but then James said "if we could control our tongue (fingers) we would be perfect."

    The last 2 months at the Watchtower study, we have addressed many such attitudes.  (Study of God's Word, with the aid of the Watchtower)

    Such as deep respect when answering questions.


  16. It is a bad example of a Witness.  If they are Witnesses.  I went through a very trying time about a year ago and I didn't answer pleasantly sometimes.  I stopped answering questions.  I was grief stricken and terrified. My husband was dying.  The only thing I could was to sit and watch.  I couldn't go out in service or go to meetings.  I was depressed and angry at some of the people on here.  So, I am sure Jehovah was not happy with me.  That is why I stayed off here for a couple month.  

  17. First of all, please provide links to these questions, so that we might be able to ascertain whether or not those comments were in response to obvious joke questions, questions intended to attack them, or serious and earnest questions.

    Second, I cannot speak for any Witnesses on Y!A except for myself (Romans 14:12). But personally, I always give different types of answers depending on the type of question. On real questions (including all that do not deal with Jehovah's Witnesses), I tend to be deathly serious with my answers. On questions intended to attack Witnesses, I have been known to be firm and harsh. Other questions, however, are obviously joke questions. I therefore respond in a like, joking manner. It also can sometimes be very hard to hold back when you see such wonderfully "respectful" and insightful questions as this so often:;...

    Your question I, of course, view as a very serious matter.

    But even so, I do admit that my answers as of late have been "deteriorating" in quality. I will therefore attempt to examine and readjust myself, just as I would hope that all of Jehovah's Witnesses will consider doing the same.

    I thank you for the reminder.


  18. Personally i just get fired up and incensed when someone attacks my faith like the apostates do.

    Jesus did too if you will recall in the temple when he used the rope of whips. Peter got fired up and cut someones ear off once.

    Jesus called the false teachers of his day "offspring of vipers" which seems to fit the description of the guy i was "laughing at" earlier. I gave him a good answer to his question and he deleted it.

  19. I just had to respond because I can relate so much to E=mc's comment.

    I used to be just like him, over 6 months ago, when I first starting posting in R&S, I was still considering myself a JW. I was on the "other side" so to speak. And even had JW contacts, but soon after I started asking questions, the change began.

    Why the need to "wonder" about anyone? Is it not possible that a "real" JW has questions too?

    This just shows the mindset of the organization, JW's are to keep questions to themselves or keep it "quiet" by asking their own elders.

    Asking questions to fellow JW's on an open forum seems to be somewhat taboo, because it shows that the fake "unity" within the organization is just that.

    E, my heart goes out to you. The more you ask questions the more you will see the true spirit of the witnesses in the organization. As long as you agree with them, they love you, but otherwise they will "mark you".

    The only thing that is probably keeping you from being blocked already is the comment you have in your profile "i still believe witnesses are closer to the truth than anyone else".

    This no doubt is pleasing to them, so they still favor you! Funny how that works isn't it.

    I have been blocked by witnesses I've never even exchanged words with or new existed, simply because I have been "marked". Why?

    Not because I don't love God...because I do.

    Not because I have been involved in wrongdoing....because i Haven't

    Not because display and unChristian attitude...because I don't.

    Simply because I no longer agree with an organization.

    I am just as much Christian as any JW is and yet they no longer consider me their "sister" because I don't follow and UNINSPIRED organization.

    Sorry for the rant, and I apologize for not really answering the question, I just wanted Everyone to know the truth about the way some of the Witnesses treat people, which I guess sort of goes along with your question.


    To E, I do apologize for saying "just like" it is normally a phrase I choose not to use as I don't believe ANYONE is "just like" me. I was typing pretty fast and did not proofread.

    I by no means want to compare you to myself, as I have admitted several times that my doubts about the organization started when I first started reading the bible daily. I was 14. Therefore, I have had "lingering" doubts so to speak.

    Anyway, I by reading your profile, you expressed some of the same feelings I had. I tried to just wait on Jehovah and still considered the organization "the truth" for a long time. Therefore I can "relate" to your situation.

    But, once again, I do apologize for saying "just like"

  20. If you are here Long enough CM- you will be able to see who is a Witness as opposed to those who " Claim" to be Witnesses.Close your eyes and take a deep breath every once in a while.

  21. As for the J's W's, I cannot judge them.

    I have not been embarrassed / distressed

    by one answer posted by a Witness;

    that I know, is a J's W's.

    And even I, am guilty of my zeal,

    getting me  'fired up'  so to speak.

    When it's obvious the other person,

    is just out to slander, persecute, harassing, etc.

    I have also, turned right around and edited my answer,

    to more reflect the spirit of Love; which God, is.

    As 1 person already said; it is infectious.

    The sarcastic attitude.

    Some people claim they are a J's W's;

    then post "unsuitable"  answers, just for said purpose.

    Some may be new, inexperienced, or "Fired Up!"

    For myself, since I cannot speak for another person,

    sometimes I may feel as though I need a break.

    I take 1.

    Also, I make a more diligent effort to not answer

    those that only want to stir up emotons,

    and are not  'really'   looking for an answer.

    x-witnesses, apostates, J's W's haters, etc....


    I went to; looked up a couple of words;

    for those that are familiar with my answers; you know

    I like to make sure I have some things clarified,

    before I dive in.

    Ex-witness', apostates, others are calling some J's W's

    arrogant & cocky in the same sentence....

    means the same exact thing.

    But, my point in bringing this up, is this....

    while some users are calling out J's W's here @ Y/A's;

    they are  'generally'  the worst offenders of bringing this

    characteristic to light.

    I said generally; so that's not exclusively.

  22. The Watchtower apologists take great offense at tough questions and documented errors and history of the Watchtower.

    The true definition used by the JWs for "apostate" is anyone that has left the organization and opposes the doctrine. If a person is not a former JW then they are under the influence of "Christendom". Christendom is, of course, under the influence of satan.

    JWs are fine with just shunning a person that has left the organization but once the person begins posting information that shows error in teachings and past dealings the JWs ask them; "to be quite", and "go away and leave us alone" then claim persecution if this is not done.

    I would inquire of these answerers claiming to be Jehovah's Witnesses exactly what Jesus meant in:

    Matthew 5:22

    But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of h**l fire.

    I am not a JW or a former JW.

  23. Did you email the person? Are they seeing this question?

    Email the person. That's what I'd do (but have never done before)

    Vot takes 100% responsibility for coining the word "apostie". If any of you heard Vot speaking in real life, you'd quickly realise I end many words with "ie", it's just the way Vot talks.

    That others have started using "ie" at the end of the word "apostate" like Vot does is their responsibility. "Apostie" and "apostate" mean exactly the same thing to Vot. I donno what other definitions people want to coin up for the word.

    That someone should be angry that Vot uses the word is beyond me. These get upset that I use the word, not in reference to THEM PERSONALLY, mind you, but just that I use the word at all.

    Let's go ripping out the pages of all books that have the word "apostate" in them too, shall we? (ooops- being sarcastic again, are we? Tsk tsk tsk, bad bad Vot)

    Ok, now on a serious note and all Vot-frolicking aside, yes, there have been some less-than-Christian comments on this forum by JWs and yes, we should all learn to either control our virtual tempers or walk away from an offensive question, but also to remember that "there is a time to laugh.... a time to skip about..."


    Sorry to ask a question on your question- but why is that it seems that only anti-JWs do not like Vot in particular (usually those whose questions are 95% about JWs, like C------- down there.....)?

    Do they feel "covered" by the word "apostie"?

  24. Jesus would not approve, but we are not perfect like he is.

    Kinda cool to be on the top 5 lol....But hey at least I am honest!

    3 hours ago


    I have never seen what you are referring to, i am actually very impressed with the content of the Q/A.

    (not looking hard enough)

    Didn't make the sword swallowing comment but laughed at a apostate.

    (mocking)Ok, now on a serious note and all Vot-frolicking aside, yes, there have been some less-than-Christian comments on this forum by JWs and yes, we should all learn to either control our virtual tempers or walk away from an offensive question, but also to remember that "there is a time to laugh.... a time to skip about..."

    (Did I take this right   virutual (eous if add would be?)

    Are they distressed ? NOt YET> as the quotes above attest to as part of their answers to you.

  25. The ones that think "WWJD?" and then abide by it.

    I have read some very serious answers here.  How sad for some.  Love is the greatest gift of all.  That is a very important law made by the Universal God.  Just a reminder.

    Hey E=, I just had a good laugh.  Sounds very funny talking like a third person huh.  I have been wondering about that and finally ask my mom "Why would someone talk in the third person about them self?"  The answer was "Talking in the third person will by no means reflect any negativity upon them self.  Especially if the person do talk a lot of negativity.  What that person is saying he/she does not want any karma to fall upon he/she.  Its the same as talking on the computer freely to what you want to say and not be held accountable for he/she is not referring to them self."  I know it sounds confusing but mother got a good point there.  My mom strongly believes in karma.

  26. Since there is no "quality control" at Y!A, like "Show me your publishers card" anyone can say they are JWs. They may be, or may have studied some with them and "feel" that they are, or former JWs who have been inactive, but still comment and share in this forum.

    And I figure if you hang around here too long, you get a little stupid and start acting like the :trolls: The scripture about bad association applies to Y!A, too.

    And as you said, Jesus is aware of attitudes, being the head of the congregation.

  27. i think some people, when confronted by opposition or narrow-minded individuals, lash out by using sarcasm instead of profanity to vent.  You may be over analyzing the situation..... chill out :)  

  28. Jesus would not approve, but we are not perfect like he is.  I try but sometimes the apostate questions are down right aggravating.  Today I saw Grey Tower post a link to fraud the JW's but it didn't work lol.  

    Stuff like that sometimes get an ugly response.  Though the majority on here are pretty respectful when defending the truth.

    EDIT:  Ninja Kitty posted 3 questions on rapid fire mode not one had a pint of genuine in it.

    I have been counsled by a few other JW's even some that are no longer.  I have been better since by other account was suspended.

    Kinda cool to be on the top 5 lol....But hey at least I am honest!

  29. This person Vöt  got a bit snide with E once but later Vöt  complemented E on one of his comments.

    Since then, E has had respect for Vöt .

    Hmmm, E is not sure he can maintain this third person thing.

    Vöt & E are both JWs but E sometimes asks questions that make other JWs wonder about E. At least E's questions are honest questions.

    BTW  E's name signifies that E is a bit confused. However the name is an exaggeration. Only a few things confuse E. E=mc² means E equals mass confusion squared.

    Oh and E thanks you for the reminder that E should not take himself or others too seriously.  Better to say nothing than to say something nasty.

    EDIT: (Please note that speaking in third person has been abandoned below)

    I MUST respond to Mommyof1

    First we are all individuals and I don't think that anyone "is just like" someone else, though there are similarities. Also I certainly don't believe that the unity in the organization is "fake".  We may need to disagree quietly at times for the sake of unity but I don't believe that there is anything "fake" about that.

    While a few of the questions I've asked may have caused some to "mark" me that is only understandable. If they think my questions would shake their faith then that is what they should do. If you have a weakness for gambling you should similarly stay out of Las Vegas.

    Many times my questions are posed simply to get people to think. They are never asked for the purpose of creating doubts especially to doubt that Jah's spirit is with his organization. Jehovah has always used imperfect men. There are no perfect men on earth for him to use. Never may I start putting more importance on what I think instead of on following the direction of Jehovah's spirit-directed organization. And while I will admit some of my views result in putting me in uncomfortable positions occasionally, I will find a way to deal with that as best possible and will be submissive and willing to yield.

    In fact, even though the questions I have asked have not been answered to my satisfaction on Y!A, I have found some answers on websites that some of the Witnesses on here have which go into the very subjects that I have asked questions about and the answers I have found on those sites are the explanations I have been looking for, even though I haven't found those answers in the Society's literature.

    I am resolved to stick with Jehovah's organization and to also work out my own salvation with fear and trembling as the scripture says. [Phil 2:12]

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