
Jello shots question?

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i was wondering ok say u just mix the jello mix and vodka and its not hot and u put in the the redgrator will that still work at room temp going into the refridegrator




  1. if you dont have a stove... maybe just boil water? do u have a kettle? all i do when i make jelly and voldka shots is add the crystals with the hot water and dissolve the crystals and then i add the vodka. if u can dissolve the crystals in cold water then it would be fine but i dont know that u can do that.

    just steal some hot water from somewhere and add it to the crystals!

  2. No it will not work and if it does for you, then I'm glad I'm not drinking at your party. LOL. But seriously you will need to keep your jello shots chilled and you can't just mix jello and vodka you have to actually make the jello and mix the vodka in in a liquid like state.

  3. nah it won't work

    It shouldn't be too hard to get some boiling water though should it

  4. It won't work. I tried to cheat and rush it like that once. I improvised and went and bought some premade jello in the little cups, dumped it into a bowl with the vodka and mushed it with a potato masher but the back of a spoon would work too. Then I spooned the smushed mix into the little shooter cups and smoothed it out with the back of the spoon.

  5. No it probably want stick together
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