
Jelly Belly?????????

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Since having my baby i have LOADS of stretch marks & my belly is so wobbly! Any suggestions on how to get rid of my stretch marks & a good way to start toning my tummy?




  1. It's actually quite difficult to tone the stomach muscles back up after pregnancy because they get pulled apart vertically while your bump grows. The films stars etc.. only have flat stomachs because they get a tummy tuck where the surgeon stitches the muscles back together.  Obviously exercise will help it go down a bit, but unless you were really thin to begin with your belly will never be as firm as it was.

  2. I have never had one but would suggest exercises as I have no other answer for you..

  3. Hey congrats btw!

    You can't get rid of stretch marks, only reduce the appearance of them, which happens over time anyway! Try cocoa butter or bio oil, that what i use!

    RE your tum, breastfeeding helps, on just stomach crunches!


  4. exercise and bio oil, they won't go for good, but it does help.

  5. Crunches/Situps/jogging.

    Every day, you should notice an improvement after a couple of weeks, it takes time.

  6. pelvic floor muscles and waiting until your doctor says you can excercise as you can bleed and hurt yourself, but if you get he go ahead then stomach crunches sit ups etc o and walking around alot x*x

  7. Bio oil, and Palmers cocoa butter, there is a special one that tones up the skin after childbirth or weight loss.

    And I recommend getting a work out DVD (Divina's power of 3 is good) as then while your baby sleeps you can exercise.

    And  just walk loads with your baby, babies love fresh air, it's really good for them and they sleep better. Win win situation!

    Congratulations on being a new Mummy and try not to let your temporaily woblly belly get in the way of enjoying your new baby and new motherhood.

    It will go in time.

  8. Cardio plus sit-ups / crunches.

    And stay away from refined / white sugar!  That's a guaranteed way to add to the belly jiggle.

    Stretch marks, not sure.  I've read there is no way to get rid of them.  To lessen them try a vitamin E based cream.

  9. There is no way to get rid of stretch marks... except surgery I guess.

    Each stretch mark is a spot where your skin has lost it's elasticity... jelly belly.  You might be able to tone up, but depending on the amount of stretch marks you have, you might always have jelly belly.  
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