
Jennifer vs. Ann... Help please?

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If I'm having a girl, I want to name her after my sister. My sister's full name is Jennifer Ann. I love the name Jennifer as a middle name, but it's such a long name that first name choices are very limited. I love that it's unique as a middle name, not one of the "filler" middle names I always hear being talked about, although I hate the term "filler middle names". On the other hand, Ann is short and sweet, but then again, it's not as unique. But first name possibilities are endless with a short, one syllable middle name like Ann. Plus, you can't really go wrong with a classic like Ann. So, if you were me, what would you go with for a middle name? Jennifer or Ann? Why did you choose what you chose?

Also, what first names would you pair with each. Please, no really unique, odd first names such as Ezra or Isla. I am really not fond of those. We like unique, but not unheard of names.

Any input is very greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time and help!




  1. Your answer is in your question, you said you love Jennifer as a middle name, so use it.  Find a pretty first name to go with it, and you will be happy.

    Megan Jennifer

    Morgan Jennifer

    Aidan Jennifer

    Lauren Jennifer

    MaryAnne Jennifer

  2. I'd say Ann more for a middle name.. The first name that came into my mind was

    Chloe Ann

    Congratz on your baby girl!

  3. I'd say you can't go wrong with either one. Which one you choose will depend on which goes better with the first name you like. Also keep in mind that many people go with two middle names, especially if both have family meaning.

    Here are some unique, but not unheard of or trendy names to go with both middle names:

    Lydia Ann

    Charlotte Ann

    Molly Ann

    Lily Ann

    Sienna Ann

    Kelsey Ann

    Melanie Jennifer

    Mckenna Jennifer

    Alena Jennifer

    Nora Jennifer

    Alison Jennifer

    Ella Jennifer

    And if you like the idea of two middle names, I think Jennifer Ann flows better than Ann Jennifer...

    Evelyn Jennifer Ann

    Avery Jennifer Ann

    Caitlin Jennifer Ann

    Bella Jennifer Ann

    April Jennifer Ann

    Danica Jennifer Ann

    For more ideas, try - at this website, you can type in your last name and the middle name you want to use and it'll give you ideas for flowing first names.

    Good luck!

  4. Chloe Jennifer

    sounds pretty


  5. I consider ann a filer middle name, lots of girls have it as a middle name, I wouldn't worry about it being one syllable, I have ann maire, which pretty much is the too most common filler names ( I hate it) i would go with jennifer, Jade is a pretty first name

    answer mine please;...

  6. I like Jennifer - but I think it's too early for a Jennifer comeback. It was really popular in the '70s and '80s. I agree, it's refreshing to hear Jennifer in the middle name spot.

    And, in reverse, I think it's refreshing to hear Ann in the first name spot!  Ann is very popular as a middle name (it's my middle name, too) but not often used alone as a first name.

    Ann Jennifer has a certain classic feel to it. Another idea if that you can use a longer 'Ann' version and then use Ann as a nickname.

    Annika Jennifer nickname Ann

    Anna Jennifer nickname Ann (Anna is quite popular, though)

    Anneliese Jennifer

    Annie Jennifer

    Ana Jennifer

    Or, you could use something that sounds like a mix of Jennifer and Ann:








  7. I like Ann myself. But Jennifer is a different kind of middle name. Maybe you could use a different form of Jennifer as the first name and use Ann as the middle name, or Leigh Anne or Leanne.

    Jenelle Ann

    Jenelle Leanne

    Jenessa Ann

    Jenessa Leanne

    Isabelle Jennifer

    Isabelle Ann

    Chloe Jennifer

    Chloe Ann

    Katelyn Jennifer

    Katelyn Ann

  8. I like Ann for the middle name, yes it is a " Filler" but it is classic and beautiful. Jennifer is also over used and way to hard to put with a first name.

    Try Zoey Ann (I love this) Payton Ann, Kaelyn Ann, Skylar Ann

  9. I'd go with Ann as a middle name. Jennifer is too long of a middle name in my opinion.

    Any first name goes with Ann so the possibilities are endless.

  10. Congrats on your good taste! I don`t like those weird made up names.

    Both Jennifer and Ann are great names.

  11. i will prefer jennifer because it will be unique and different. besides you can still choose other names for the first name since middle names are not said every single time. so just choose something you like and be happy about your baby.

  12. Dawn Jennifer

    Scarlet Jennifer

  13. Why not just use Jenn as a middle name???

    Taryn Jenn

    Amber Jenn

    Leigh Ann

    Becca Ann

  14. I love Ann. You don't have to have a unique name, your child will be unique all by themselves!

  15. If you want Jennifer as the middle name but think it's too long go with Jen instead. It's shorter and gives you more possibilities for first name but you still have the origin of Jennifer. You could do something like

    Keely Jen

    Anna Jen

    Louise Jen(Jennifer, could work with this one)

    And then for Ann, like you said names go very simple with it like:

    Keely Ann(It works with both doesn't it)

    Unity Ann

    Maggie Ann

    Elizabeth Ann

    Elena Ann

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