
Jeremy paxman,derided rabbi burns & accused the scots, of running a 'raj' in regards to the english.?

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is he right?




  1. who cares what this rubber faced homo says

  2. i like Jeremy Paxman he gets straight to the point.                 Rabbi Burns  was a Scottish poet but i dont get the gist of the rest of your scribble  Mr Paxo is part Scottish but i dont know which part

  3. Wasn't he complaining about the quality of the underpants sold in M&S recently?

    Maybe he's going bonkers.

  4. Paxman always did have a big gob. Needs pulling down a peg or two.

  5. If he doesn't like Burns that's up to him. I'm not a big fan either.

    This stuff about a Scottish Raj running the UK is rubbish.  There are 4 Scottish members in the 23-strong Cabinet, although they admittedly include the two most important postholders.

  6. No one should deride anyone else.

  7. I dont think so, just sounds like xenophobic rubbish to me

  8. Paxman is spot on about the scottish raj in England.

    Beats me why the English put up with being third class citizens in their own country.

    England, £7.50 for a prescription

    scotland prescriptions £5, soon to be free

    there are no plans for free prescriptions in England

    Education, free higher (Uni) education in scotland

    England, the English must pay

    scotland, free residential care for the elderly

    England, the elderly must pay for residential care

    OH dear, where shall i stop? Grants for central heating in scotland, not so in England......

    Personally i am sick of being governed by the scots, now they have their own parliament, why don't they p**s off and leave the English in peace? Sorry, i forgot they like English subsidies.

    Paxman is right!

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