
Jersey Case : Has the investigation been obstructed?

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"The man in charge of Jersey's child abuse investigation has said that his whole inquiry is being obstructed by the very people appointed to bring charges against suspects."

Do you believe the case has been obstructed and do you feel the victims have been let down?

I do.




  1. I do not know what the answer is. However as the Island is a ward of Britain then they should comply with  British laws.

    If not withdraw British support. Let them go on their own.

  2. how can anyone no?

  3. How could anyone here know that unless they were involved in the investigation.

  4. Its disgusting Delly.  Sent 'em Shambo.  He'll sort them out.

  5. Hi Delly, I was going to say no it would make no difference, but seeing as they don't seem to be getting anywhere anyway ANYTHING would be worth a try.

  6. Of-course it will have been obstructed. If history has taught us anything it is simply that people are tw*ts, and that all you need is enough money to bribe powerful people with and you can do anything you want, no matter how evil or immoral. That is how the world and major governments work with everything else, so why not this aswell.

  7. He's trying to blame others for "obstructing" the investigation, when much of the blame surely lies closer to home. The inquiry has seemed farcical and amateurish from the outset.

    I mean, so far we've had "skull fragments" that turned out to be bits of coconut, bones of "murdered children" that might be anything up to 350 years old, etc, and all the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by bitter individuals with axes to grind.

    Far from finding out the truth, the whole thing seems to be a concerted attempt to make the "evidence" fit certain people's pre-conceived ideas about what happened.

  8. I agree with Jupitere. Judging by certain other things that have been said about our government concerning the McCanns. Then it maybe not the right solution.

    I have never felt so dissolutioned in my entire life as I do now regarding

    my country.

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