My team is selecting new jerseys. We are a women's club team in the south (South Carolina, USA). our challenges include finding a jersey with proper fit that will keep us as cool as possible in the heat/ humidity. Tight enough to avoid shirt tackles, yet large enough for large players. I think the size differences in women's club teams are much more than in men's teams. we've got little hookers that are shorter than 5' and teeny tiny and large and tall locks and props. the tallest is 6'0 and needs XL for DD's! we're a true... "from size 2 to 22" club. The goal is to find soemthing that will last and fit a variety of players. I'd appreciate any suggestions on versatile fabrics and if you have experience with dri-fit vs, cotton or any other new technology material. if you have a suggested company or any further info, that would be great too. thanks!