
Jerusalem ? Is That The Hidden Reason For The Middle East wars?

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Jerusalem ? Is That The Hidden Reason For The Middle East wars?




  1. Kinda, the only reason there are wars and oil diggers in the Holyland is because they are looking for The Ark of the Covenant and the secrets to invisibility, time-travel, eternal-life and lots of other mad stuff. Seriously, you think they give a c**p about oil or Israelis? A third of the oil that has EVER been drilled is still in barrels. Fact. Check out 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'. It's all very mad if not somewhat disheartening. Divide and conquer...remember that's what the bstrds are trying to do.

  2. Log on to Deprogram Program. You will get some underground info. There are some free webcasts you can listen to. He gives you some good insight as to what is going on there...Shai' ben Takoa gives the news from Israel.

  3. its a tad more complicated than that

  4. I would say that its so complex, the problems go back thousands of years and that its never going to be resolved, at least not satisfactorily for all the people involved.

  5. Well done on simplifying it to the point where a trailer trash redneck would just about get it.

  6. No, the terrorists arent smart enough to have a hidden agenda.  They do as they say, kill the infidels just as the Qur'an tells them to (or so as they interpret it), as well as in general seek the fall of Capitalism/westernism.  Jerusalem may have been a focus of past wars (before about 100 years ago) when Muslim soldiers fought for something relatively noble, but that is no longer the case

  7. Jerusalem is a holy site to Christian, Muslim and jew. Current ownership is jewish, but Muslims want to change that act of p****y. jews stole an entire country and Muslims are still pissed off.

  8. did someone steal it?

  9. American secret services have been carrying out "false flag"operations for many years to stir up trouble throughout the Middle East.Israel have been willing partners in these operations including the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty on June8 1967 when LB Johnson connived with the Israelis to sink his own ship,killing 34 and injuring 173 American servicemen in order to blame the attack on Egypt and giving America an excuse to enter the Six Day War and seize power in the middle east.

  10. The bottom line is that Israel want the whole of Palestine. Gaza, the West  Bank the lot They already have 87% of the whole of Palesyine. Only 13% to go. Then, for a while they will be happy. I wonder what will be their next target ?

  11. part of it.

    depending on your point of view.

    Jerusalem was & is in Palestine

    BUT israel want it for their capital.

    add the fact that muslims worldwide recognise 3 holy sites in the world

    Medina, Mecca & JERUSALEM.

    There's bound to be a conflict if the jews want it for themselves.

    so yes Jerusalem is part of the war going on in the middle-east.

    find a map circ 1950s & it will show israel about the size of new jersey & NO WHERE NEAR JERUSALEM.

    they invaded the west bank, seized land from Lebanon, Syria & more obviously, Palestine. for the middle-east peace road map to work israel need to return to 1967 borders, per many UN resolutions.

  12. The reason isn't hidden but disguised.

  13. No.. It's because they are all mad.

  14. it's part of the reason - duh

    and it's not hidden...everyone knows that it's a holy place for a few different religions who want to have control/access to it.

  15. No. The FORGOTTEN reason is the Arabs lost with the n**i's in WWll.  The Arabs sided with the n**i's in WWll.  They were cheering the n**i's killing of the Jews.  When the n**i's lost the war, the Allies TOOK some land from the LOSERS.  That would be the Israeli country now.  The Arabs are LUCKY that that is all they had to give up!!!!  The Palestinians are SORE LOSERS!!!  they need to get a life and learn something useful.

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