
Jesolo weather?

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Please someome who lives in or near Jesolo tell me that the weather forcasts are WRONG - I am going there on Friday for one week and when I look up the weather channels all I see is RAIN.

Please do not post weather channel links I have looked at them




  1. Those Weather Channel forecasts are beyond useless, they really are. Don't even waste your energy looking at them.

    For Italy, I recommend this site:

    And then for Jesolo, choose Venice (as it's only about 20 miles away):

    Hope you have a fabulous time in Jesolo. I'm so jealous - I love that place.

    By the way, Jesolo does indeed have hot, sunny summers. But it also has a "storm day" roughly once a week. And they can be pretty violent thunderstorms too. Which is great if you love storms - like me!

    EDIT: extra info!

    Here's a live webcam to have a look at. Not a drop of rain to be seen today!

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