
Jesse Jackson's comment about Obama?

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He said Obama was "talking down to Black people" , but isn't Jesse Jackson "talking down" his religion by the comment he made about chopping off a "body part"?




  1. I'm from Chicago originally, although I live in CA now.  Jesse Jackson was never taken seriously by anyone with even a piece of brain.  I suppose he does have some influence over some people and that is why he has survived the political scene, plus he occasionally makes trips to strange places to solve problems and make a name for himself.  Several years ago, I took my mother to the foot doctor in San Jose, CA, when this tall black man dressed in an expensive suit came in with another man (body guard),  checked in at the counter and immediately went into the back to see the doctor.

    Turns out it was Jesse Jackson.  I noticed him because he was wearing a very expensive well tailored blue suit.  I shook his hand when he came out after telling him I was from Chicago.  His motive for bad talk was probably jealousy because as I said, very few take him seriously.

  2. Jackson's a joke, and a jerk!  He later said that he was friends with Sen. Obama, if he's a friend, who needs enemies?

  3. What's your point?

  4. I don't see how telling young black men with children to be responsible fathers is "talking down" to anyone.

    Call it "sour grapes."  Or the crabs-in-the-basket syndrome, where the ones at the bottom try to pull down the ones at the top.

    Preachers shouldn't be in politics anyway.

  5. he wants to cut obama`s ball`s off

  6. and he was talking up to them..

  7. A typical n-i-g-g-a-r-d-l-y response. Its all he has. His business is extortion, his points are skewed and his reasons are cheap. He and Obama will make up soon.

  8. What does one expect? He is part of the world. Jackson didn't learn from the last time when he thought his mic was off. That was in 1984 when he called New York "Hymie town."

    BTW, doesn't he have a 9-year-old "love child"?

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