
Jesse Taylor getting kicked off the ultimate fighter...?

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was jesses dismissal called for? i mean he didnt get arrested or anything, he just got drunk and rowdy. isnt he allowed to get away with a little bit of that. i didnt know being in the ufc meant u had to become a choir boy. i thought he shoulda got punished but not kicked off the show




  1. Actually, I thought about this.  Had he (Jesse) just kicked the windows out of the limo, he should've been punished and pay for damages.  But the fact that he went to a bar and terrorized the female guests...that's totally uncalled for.  If Dana White had kept him in the UFC, he would've made a bad decision because no businessman would want a person like Jesse Taylor representing his company.  So, I feel that Dana made the right choice.

  2. I can simpithyze with Jesse, but Dana made the right call. Do you realize how much pressure there is on somebody who is a celbrity? Do you realize how many people want to take advantage of someone like Jesse? He never would have been able to stand up to the pressure and scrutiny he would have had to.

    He needs to get clean, get some counciling, and grow up, otherwise he will get eaten alive.

  3. Yes he has a drinking problem and when he yells im a UFC fighter at people its bad for the sport.

  4. Jesse Taylor is a total idiot.  Hes lucky he isn't in jail.

  5. yes, he lacks maturity.  I wouldn't want that kind of person representing my company...and I am the Operations Manager of and Electrical Contractor.

  6. Well.. I'm kind of on the fence about it. I feel bad for him because he did work really hard and he obviously earned the right to be there.. but he should have thought his actions through before representing the UFC in a negative way.

    Dana did warn everyone that when they're out on the town, they are representing the UFC so they need to behave. And Jesse was supposedly saying "Do you know who I am? I'm in the UFC!" when he was causing trouble.. so that's even worse because he's not technically in it yet, and because he's REALLY making them look bad because he's openly announcing it.

    So I think Dana was fair because he warned him to behave himself.. but it does suck for Jesse because he worked hard and he was so close.

    Dana did tell him to call him when he cleans up his act though.. so maybe he's still got a chance in the future.

  7. Phenomenal decision Dana!!  Finally, there is accountability in professional sports as opposed to legal mumbo jumbo.  I also applaud Jesse Taylor for acknowledging his actions and recognizing he made a mistake as opposed to trying to blame someone other than himself or lie..  Barry Bonds, Roger Clements  take note.  This is going to make Jesse a better member of the human race and much greater fighter.  I can't wait to see him in his first fight back!  UFC go ahead and charge my credit card - I want a ticket to that one!

  8. I think his punishment was justifiable.... I think Dana was a little soft on him to tell you the truth.  He has tore into guys for way less than what Jesse did.  Also Jesse embarrassed Dana and his company.  Like he stated "YOU AREN'T EVEN IN THE UFC YET"  and that's how he acted.... The show didn't even show us the worst parts no telling what he was saying to those girls in the lobby!  I mean why would he kick a window out of the limo for no reason anyway, that was anger right there, and stupidity.

  9. He obviously has a problem controlling his anger.  He did deserve what he got.  He needs to go home and get some counseling and come back and act like a man, not a child.  Dana doesn't want someone like him to represent the UFC.  I can't say that I blame him.  So I am sorry, but I disagree with you.

  10. I think he should get kicked off because there is so many other people in this world that would of loved to have his spot and would of been at their best behavior and probably could kick his A**.

  11. well, Dana did tell Jesse to call him in a few months, so he wasn't completely kicked off the organizaiton anyway...I think Dana just wanted to make a point after specifically telling these guys how to behave on a night out in town, Jesse still did what he did.  Jesse deserves a second chance.  NOw if it were Jeremy May getting kicked off the show, not sure I would feel the same way.

  12. That is just the kind of behavior the UFC dose not need. Good call by Dana.

  13. I dont care about Jesse.  All his fights are boring as h**l.  All he does is take them down and stay on top the entire match and wins by decision.  So why are we even bothering talking about some boring POS fighter?

    Amir is going to win it deservingly.

  14. Dana handled it perfectly.  He had just given all the guys a speech about how to act in public, then Jesse goes and does all this stuff the very next night.

    If it were just the limo, who knows whether or not he would have been kicked off, but the fact that he went into the bar and tried to intimidate security by saying "I'm a UFC fighter" was probably the last straw.  He also did this in a casino owned by the Fertittas (which may be part of the reason he didn't get arrested).

    If he had done this at home, then Dana probably wouldn't have found out, and he may have done something even worse down the line.

    I think that Dana has done the right thing by recognizing that he isn't mentally ready for the UFC and it appears he's  willing to give him a second chance down the road once he gets his act together.  People have gotten kicked off the show (and blacklisted as far as the UFC is concerned) for much less than this, so Jesse is getting off easy.  I think that this incident served as a wake-up call to Jesse, since he has since quit drinking and is getting his life back together.

  15. No, Dana did the right thing. I mean Jesse is still young but so are the other fighters. The UFC is still new and upcoming and if it keot guys like Jesse Taylor they would never make it anywhere.

  16. I think it was completely called for.  He destroyed other people's property (not just like destroying things on the show), harassed women, was abusive to security and I believe that the Palace Station has a lawsuit against him for damage and his conduct.

    This was all on the heels of Dana having sat all of them down and told them that they needed to behave, that they were in his town, and that they were representing him and the UFC, and to not get crazy.  I'm sure Dana didn't foresee this, but I'll bet that he said something like "don't s***w this up, everybody is watching you guys, don't act like a*******."

    Not to mention, he went into that meeting thinking that he had gotten away with all of it (although it is possible that he didn't remember everything seeing as he was really drunk).  

    I thought that Dana handled the situation beautifully.  It's one thing to destroy things in the house, but when you go out on the town, you are supposed to be representing the UFC.  Not that I blame Jesse, he's a young kid, away from his family, probably had some cash in his pocket from all of his wins, and just went out and cut loose in's kind of expected that things might get a little crazy under those circumstances, but I think what put Dana over the edge was when security was trying to control Jesse he started screaming at them and saying "do you know who I am?  I'm in the f****** UFC!" when actually, he's not even there yet.  

    I thought from the previews that he was going to be out for good, but I was pleased to see that Dana is going to give him another shot.  I think Jesse will just have to go home, maybe go to rehab or anger management (or both) and then he'll be back.

    But I still felt bad for him.  To have come so far...but I'm sure he'll be back.

  17. No. He wasn't at the house anymore. Dana has gone crazy with power.

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