
Jesse Tree symbols and their meanings?

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  1. Guest13435977 Is Stupid and Rude!!!!!!!!!! Tricking children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. bggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

  3.  omg

  4. A Jesse Tree is Jesus Family Tree.

  5. Mary(Rose), Joseph(hammer), Adam and eve(Apple), Moses, Jonah, David, Kane and able(knife), John the Baptise(water), Isaac, Elizabeth, Isaiah,Jesus(manger), Noah(Ark or Rainbow).

  6. apple and snake: adam and eve ( snake represents the serpent that talked Eve into eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and the apple represents the fruit of the tree )

  7. there is a magical thing called google

  8. there is a magical thing called google

  9. The Jesse Tree symbolises the ancestral line of Jesus before His birth.In the OT Jesse was the father of King David renowned as a leader of his people.As the OT developed their grew a hope that God would send one like King David referred to as the Messiah.Christians believe that Jesus is the hoped for Messiah or 'Anointed One'. The symbols show how each ancestor 'prepared' for the birth of the Messiah.

  10. I have no idea but i think that it's too do with christmas and alll the important figures who helped Jesus come into this world

  11. Rainbow meaning Gods promise of peace and to never destroy the earth again with a flood, right?

  12. angel meaning

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