
Jesus Will be Totally Pissed Off At All The Non-Believers In His Second Coming. Do You Agree?

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My Pastor told us that when Jesus returns, he's going to Kill all of the non-beleiving atheists that don't believe that he's the son of God.




  1. If he comes, and its actually him. I would convert.

  2. He'll sure freak out, you can say that again.

  3. Tell your pastor that it's people like him that create a lot of atheists.

  4. Jesus won't be "pissed', yes He'll be angry, but being pissed indicates He will act out of rage instead of out of justice. God's wrath will come down on every unbeliever.

  5. you need a new pastor because it is people like him that make otheres hate the church

  6. cos I'm dead scared of some sandal wearing hippie...get a grip.

  7. TROLL-ALERT. (!)

  8. Oh, I've heard it all now!

  9. I don't think fear and intimidation are ever good reasons to give in to someone. If Jesus wants to force me to my knees so he can cut off my head, then so be it. I wouldn't want to worship someone like that.

  10. your (2Corinthians 11:15) pastor should read Romans 2:1,

    to note he has self-condemned himself with his own mouth,

    and can expect Luke 17's Noahic & Sodomic destruction,

    described in Galatians 5:4 and 1Thessalonians 5:3,

    from vengeful Son of man, who mediates ghostly stuff,

    to childish adults who say such Peace and safety(in law).

    Pst: "Jesus" is both Son of man and Son of God on high,

    in plural and dividead heavens; So "mind not high things".

    For "Jesus" did not give them rest(peace), rather division;

    So mark and avoid them causing divisions: Romans 16:17.

    Pst: "Christ" of Jesus-->Christ is only Son of God in heaven,

    higher than the heavens, above law vs law & laws vs grace.

    Christ is our peace who abolished the law (the enmity),

    thereby ending all the law vs law and laws vs grace divisions.

    Pst: peace with God is "through Jesus-->Christ", in Christ.

    Eternal salvation is also "through Jesus-->Christ", in Christ.

    SO, Reconciling the world is done "in Christ" (not in Jesus)

    Pst: CJ is reverse of JC is the only foundation laid to build on.

    J<--C end focuses on J's division, not peace, or on the law.

    J-->C end focuses on C's peace, not dividead, or on grace.

    By law, fear, hatred and divisions are multiplied... bad fruit.

    By grace, love, mercy and peace are multiplied... good fruit.

    Be good(God) fruit-full (mercy-full), and thereby multiply peace, not divisions; mercy, not sacrifice of & to the law.

    God(Grace) is the author of peace,

    and not the author of confusion(law).

    POINT: false Christ is not true Christ,

    and false peace (be upon you) is not true peace,

    and miss-understanding is not get it: understanding.

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus-->Christ with you all. Amen.

  11. I believe that if Jesus came back and saw what has been done in his name, he would die of a heart attack.

  12. Genocide! your pastor is not truely a man of wisdom he is preachiing hate towards non-believers, and Again not loving every one of god's creation, God and religion is is based upon forgiveness and mercy not hate! Killing/murder  is a sin is that's not really religious is it?!!! if you look into the real second coming of jesus, the raptouture the non-believers have a chance to repent and those who dont arent killed rather left on Earth whilst the rest go to heaven, i truely think your pastor is not a man of god rather a cult leader brainwashing your mind with hate towars those who dont believe.

    He is using religion as a weapon to fill your mind with hate, instead of love and compasion for fellow man like PROPER religious leaders do, they are susposed to be inspiring not vengful!

  13. Guys, he's a troll.  He's one of us, trying to see who will take his posts seriously. He doesnt actually have a pastor or anything like that. Cmon, cant yall tell the difference between truth and lies?  Salesmen must have a field day with u clowns.

  14. Nope.  Jesus will be totally pissed off at all of the faux-believers who started wars and perpetrated other atrocities in his name.  

  15. Wow. Talk about help for your fellow man.

  16. I'm quaking in my boots, especially when he chooses a guy called "Big Donkey Balls" to deliver his message to us.

  17. So, your ´´jesus will end up in prison and your preacher is an idiot, to use the least offensive word.

    Threats of killing us???

    What kind of decent human being would do that?

  18. no and I will not be holding my breath because any mexican is comming again. and down there it is pornounced heysus

  19. Totally.

  20. *yawn*

    I'm sure if there really is a Savior, he would understand once he actually read the bible why there were so many non-believers.  

  21. I thought he was loving guy, boy was i wrong.

  22. Your pastor is a putz !!!!!

  23. well, we'll just have to give him another 2000 year time out then wont we.

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