
Jesus died on the cross....?

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Because he claimed to be the son of God. He was judged and executed. How is that dying for my sins?




  1. God took upon Himself a robe of flesh and became a man, Jesus. He was the Lamb sacrificed from the beginning of the world, He is our Paschal Lamb. 1 John 3:16 --- Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

    God loved us sinners so much that He willingly gave His life for us that we may have eternal life with Him. This sacrificial act was pre-planned and foreordained after Adam & Eve's willful disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Hebrews 9:22 --- And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Throughout the history of the Jewish people a blood sacrifice was needed to obtain forgiveness from sin, that is until the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans. With the

    temple destroyed sacrifices were stopped and have remained so until the time when the Temple will be restored. In fact preparations are already being made for sacrifices when the Temple is rebuilt. Priestly garments, as required for the priesthood are being made and the red heifer, essential for the sin offering has already been located. Since the fall of Jerusalem and sacrifices could not be offered, the Jewish people have observed Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement in its place.


  2. By Jesus dying for us, it was kind of like the ultimate sacrifice. He went through everything including death so that God would forgive us in turn.

  3. if you are of this faith than it is in this that you will find the answer.  

  4. God said so...Men lie. He doesnt.

  5. An analogy may help.

    A man set a trap at the rear of his home because a bear had been seen in the area.  His little dog went outside and stepped in the trap and was caught.  The man went out and saw that the dog was in the trap set for the bear.  He had not intended that the dog be caught in it, but the dog was in this predicament anyway.  The man saw that there was no  way to solve the problem but by getting into the trap and freeing the dog.  He put his hands in, cutting them, and sprung the trap open and the dog was released.

    The analogy has much lacking but illustrates the point.

    The Bear is Satan, the dog mankind and the man...Jesus Christ.

    God made a place for punishment of sin and rebellion and it was intended for Lucifer(Satan)  Man also sinned and was subject to the same laws that governed the punishment of Satan.

    God made a plan to extracate mankind by entering the world and freeing him from the trap of sin. He took the punishment we deserve and put it on Himself.  By believing in this substitutionary death we are pardoned and saved.  If man would accept His offer of pardon he could escape the punishment meant for Satan.

    God will accept you if you will repent, confess your sins and make Jesus Christ Lord of your life.

  6. The reason why its dying for your sins goes back to before Jesus...

    back then, when people sinned they would have to offer a sacrifice of some sort to make up for it.

    But when Jesus came he became the ultimate sacrifice, since he was the son of God, he could have gotten out of the whole crucifixion bit but he didn't. So he sacrificed himself so you wouldn't have to sacrifice things anymore...therefore forgiving all you sins..

    its not that he wanted to kill his son, its that he loved us so much that he gave his son, but he didnt really die. He resurrected

  7. Jesus MAY have died on the cross.

    Or maybe he just stopped breathing, which was the definition of 'death' at the time.

    As far as your question goes, I have no idea of the leaps of logic the Christians use to explain it.

  8. To the chick above me, God's word was written by men, who by your very words lie

  9. He was executed for being a rival, for being 'Kind of the Jews'. The Sanhedrin were worried that the Romans would attack if they thought the Jews were in a rebellion against the Sanhedrin.

    God had already told Jesus that he would have to die for our sins. This was just the way it was brought about. Yes, he was executed. He kind of had to be. Even though it was his own people who were executing him, he chose to die for their sins. He was a martyr.

  10. If you are a Christian, you believe that he was the son of God, and therefore, he had committed no sins, so he died for our sins, to save us.

  11. Because jesus didn't sin, he took on all of our sins and made a way for us to go to heaven by choice..

    if he didn't do that we would of had to suffer like him,

    but it was a gods will, and now jesus is with god in heaven

  12. Great question.  How can it be possible Christians are having a hard time answering this one?  

  13. Jesus was executed for blasphemy, even though that wasn't a crime in the eyes of the Romans. Pilate pronounced Jesus innocent 3 times, but had Him executed anyway. He became sin for us; Him who knew no sin. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Jesus Christ was God's spotless sacrificial Lamb. He alone was the acceptable sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ knew this was His mission on Earth and did it willingly. He had no sin of His own, so He obviously didn't die for His own sins. God sent Him specifically for the purpose of being our sacrifice for sin. He tasted death for all of us. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. Thus God did foretell throughout the OT and thus did Jesus Christ fulfil all of those prophecies.

  14. He was sent by God to do just that for that purpose. Everything went according to plan.

  15. Understanding Romans 5:12 will help us, it says: "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned"

    Sin entered into the world thru adam, which brought also death and sickness to mankind. Remember that originally Adam was not supposed to die, he will die if he will eat the forbiddn fruit. Since he did not follow God's law Adam started to get sick, grow old, and eventually die, this plight is passed on to his children including us that is why we die, because of the sin we inherited from our first parent Adam

    How can we be freed (SAVE) from this plight or misery? Remember that Adam lost a perfect life. Following God's principle at Deut 19:21 which says: "And your eye should not feel sorry: soul will be for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.", what has been lost must be paid with the same amount. eye for an eye, soul will be four soul. Since adam lost his perfect life, a perfect life must also be paid to free us from sin and death which we inherited from Adam.

    WHo can pay a perfect life? Or who lived without sinning, thus lived perfect? Only Jesus Christ. That is why he have to die for our sins, to pay what adam lost.

    That is why Romans 5:15 tells us "But it is not with the gift as it was with the trespass. For if by one man’s trespass many died, the undeserved kindness of God and his free gift with the undeserved kindness by the one man Jesus Christ abounded much more to many"

    Thru one man (adam) sin and death entered, but thru one man (Jesus) also we can have a prospect of everlasting life.

    In the Bible times, Israelites offers animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins, Why do we no longer do that? Jesus' blood serves now as sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. That is why we have to put faith in it and ask forgiveness on basis of Jesus blood,

    Notice Hebrews 9:13-15 "For if the blood of goats and of bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who have been defiled sanctifies to the extent of cleanness of the flesh, 14 how much more will the blood of the Christ, who through an everlasting spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works that we may render sacred service to [the] living God? 15 So that is why he is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that, because a death has occurred for [their] release by ransom from the transgressions under the former covenant, the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance."

    YOu might ask, why do we still get sick, grow old and die if Jesus already sacrificed himself? Blessings of everlasting life will take effect after God thru Jesus execute His judgement on earth. So while awaiting for such, it is important to maintain our faith on Jesus, and do what His Father requires of us.

    For more information please see link below

    I hope I answered your question =)

  16. Very simple:

    The penalty for sin is death.

    Before Jesus died on the cross, if someone sinned, they would have to sacrifice an "innocent"animal to take the place of that sin.

    We are all sinners. This is why Jesus was sent to earth, because he was human, but he never sinned, therefore, he was innocent blood, therefore, his death paid for all "Our" sins.

    This way, we do not die, our souls live eternally.

    It's a free gift to heaven, all you do is believe.

  17. Died for our sins

      Christ did not not committed sins

  18. yea that how the story goes..

  19. Supposedly he died for the original sin that we are all born with. If you knew you would be resurrected in 3 days. Is it really dying.

    Then again what is the definition of a Zombie? Someone who comes back from the dead?

    And why on the cross is he supposed to have said "Forgive them father for they know not what they do" Thought his whole purpose was to die on the cross for our original sin?

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